has been shut down. Its content was for eZ Publish, which has reached the end of its life.
If you are still using eZ Publish and want to use some community projects, they are available for download here in two formats:

List of all legacy eZ Publish projects


This optimizes the UTF8 decoding which is used by the translation system. If you have problems with a 30 second timeout after setup you should try this.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


The PDF catalogue extension enables users to create their own, personalized PDF catalogue ‐ that can be downloaded as a PDF file to the local hard disk ‐ in two different ways: Furthermore it enables users to send dedicated PDF catalogues to other people by email, to suggest them their selection of PDF files. And finally it enables users to convert web pages (based on the full view of content nodes) to PDF documents. Any existing PDF files, that are already available in an existing eZ Publish installation, can be used for dedicated PDF catalogues, as long as these files are stored using the content class "file" shipped with a standard eZ Publish installation. To benefit from the common PDF catalogue feature Java must be installed on the server.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Provide accessible & usable XHTML templates for eZ Publish

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Allows access keys to be set via ini file and added to template through template operators.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Choose color from color picker tool box

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Add collaboration notification rules when a user registers.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


The Admin Dictionary Editor that allows you to edit dict (.ts) files of multilingual sites using the ezPublish admin interface. The ini file allows you to set which dictionaries are available for editing.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Adding multiple Items to the shop basket at once

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


admin2++ aims to add some features and improvements to the admin2 design used in the admin interface of eZ Publish.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Functionality to log in as any user from admin user, without password. Also gives a detailed overview of content object data, as well as a list of content objects based on specified class.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Alphabetical navigation for content/browse and the children window of content/view.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Google AdSense Block for eZ flow. Download:

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


The advancedcontent extension provides a new window with attribute relations in the full view in the admin interface. It temporarely solves some problems described in the thread .

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Currently the script can import USERS, TOPICS and POSTS.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Convert a .afm ( Adobe font metric ) file to eZPdf font metric file.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


An extension that modify the edit class template and add ajax functionnality. Users in the backoffice can now add, delete and move attribute without reloading the edit page

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


This extension makes use of the Akismet web service to test whether specific content is spam or not.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


A most 'Otherworldly' Theme

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


This extension provides a template operator that displays mp3 files with the 1pixelout flash player. It is basically the ez version of this well-known wordpress plugin.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


all2eafc implements advanced Google Adsense for Content (afc) features

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


This datatype adds a coupon / accrediting functionality to eZ Publish

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


eZ Publish Google DoubleClick for Publishers (dfp) AdServer implementation

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Cronjob based XML Sitemap generation for the Google Webmaster tools

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


This Extension provides a new Datatype "Google Weather", that allow you to show the weather for the city that you set up.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Implementation of iclear payment gateway

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Adds a tab to the administration interface wich enables a functionality to export collected information as xml files

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


eZ publish integration of the JW player for streaming video.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


QR Code encoder. Generates an URL to the image with your QR-Code.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


a workflow that re-index entries after content move for eZ Find / solr This is already fixed in eZ Publish version 4.4 So if you have got an older eZ version, you get the index with this extension.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Twitter service integration for eZ Publish

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Extension for managing vCards in eZ Publish.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


This extension contains a varnish control center for the admin interface. It also contains a workflow which purges the cache within varnish after publish.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


The autolink generator does not convert all type of URLs and it mangles output from XML text fields

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


An eZ Publish extension that uses the Ankiro search engine.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


It's possible to let anonymous people create objects or complete forms in eZ publish. In both cases, the form is available for the general public without the need to login. With the current state of the internet in mind, it will be only a matter of time before a spambot starts submitting the form. That is where this datatype steps in. It generates the, by now, familiar characters in an image that the user needs to retype to be able to submit the form.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Antivirus CLAMAV Integration

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Google Website Optimizer extension for easy creation of A/B and multivariate tests.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


The object's remote_id will be set to the value of any object attribute that you choose.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


This modification violates the idea of using xml to separate content from layout. But it may be useful in some situations.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


This eZ publish cronjob script moves content objects of given classes to specified container base on expire date.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


this object is for override the actual design of site admin (backoffice), to adapt a language that starts from right to left, mainly for Arabic.

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An extension that provides a better presentation of ezdebug, using a menu Jquery

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Wrapper for PHP array sort functions: sort(), rsort(), asort(), arsort(), ksort(), krsort(), natsort(), and natcasesort(). Optional sort_flags parameter is also implemented (as string). See also:

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Assign files(images, movies...) to different sections of your site. Assignments are done on the basis of node trees.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Define edit permissions on attribute level.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Add custom help text to attributes in admin interface.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


The Audio datatype allows "sudo" streaming of audio files. This means you don't need a streaming server but allows your website users to hear your audio without downloading the file first. The datatype creates a reference file that points to the original file and when clicked passes the original file to the mp3 or real player. The Player in turn downloads the file via ftp directly into the player which starts to play it in a stream before the entire file is downloaded.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


The Audio Player is a small extension that handles MP3 format file uploads and embeds them in the page using a simple Flash-based MP3 player.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Creates objects automatically

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Allows for automatically placement of user in an user group depending upon the option they select in an attribute of type selection (Standard eZ data type).

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Add a automatic notification when a user registers.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


It's a new block type for eZ flow sites. It's like default media carousel block type, but has auto play.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


The auto RSS extension provides tools to automatically create RSS feeds for certain parts of your site.

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Update status in Twitter,, ... when creating or updating content in eZ Publish.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


This very simple extension counts the TotalVisits field in awstats files.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Command line utility to do the same operations on lots of selected objects/nodes. For instance to move, copy or delete a bunch of nodes. It is based on filters that fetches the objects to operate on, utilizing the fetch functions in eZ Publish for a flexible selection of objects.

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This extension introduces operators for working with bbcode (ubbcode). The BBCode parser at is used.

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The BC Array Sort operator extension which is compatible with eZ Publish 4.0+ and PHP 5.0+

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This module allows send a message to content object author.This extension is eZ Publish 4.0+ and PHP5+ compatible.

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A carousel solution as a simple design extension (Works with eZ Webin)

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BC Change Subtree Language is an eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a basic but flexible solution for quick and simple changing of a subtree of node objects primary language via command line script. Great for developers!

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A simple extension to clear rss feed cache a common need for most eZ Publish websites.

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BC Confirm Password a complete eZ Publish Legacy extension containing a module view to confirm a users password before editing content objects. This solution requires and provides kernel override classes and module views

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A solution providing content diff email notifications

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Post-publish event type to copy existing nodes and to place these copies under the main node of the newly created object.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


eZ Publish Legacy extended attribute filter extension which provides a stable and flexible solution which allows for a datetime stamp filtering solution. Provides for greater fetch filtering by date time stamp!

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


This bundle implements a solution to detect file download links within XMLBlock content object attribute content and display the document helper applications which the user can use to open the file documents.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


BC Error Pages implements a solution to override the default Symfony error pages template code and styles with designer friendly alternatives. Great for developers seeking to override default error pages in Symfony.

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Provides content object fetch filter html form template controls and display results solution.

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Provides user created calendar events with start and stop email notifications

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Simple FCKEditor integration as a custom datatype

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Template operator which simply provides remote xml file loading, optional caching and debugging.

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Provides a simple way to lookup content quickly.

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BC Generate Static Cache is a command line script that provides a command line script to use to generate static cache using command line options

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A simple design/datatype extension which displays eZ Publish content objects on Google Map

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Creates an XML sitemap of an eZ Publish installation for the Google Webmaster Tools and other services using a cronjob or dynamic module view.

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BC Google Video Sitemap is a true eZ Publish extension that provides a cronjob to create a Google Video Sitemap

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Information collection form validation is a simple extension providing the following items; javascript, stylesheet, an image and an example template.

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eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides an example project's share icons. This depends on the bciconextensions extension.

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eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a basic but time tested kernel override class modified to offer flexible solution for storing share/icon theme icons within eZ Publish extensions instead of kernel hacking your eZ Publish installation. Great for smart developers!

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


bcimagealias is a complete upload, enable and run solution. Little configuration is needed, out of the box it is ready to use. This is an extension based solution to generate all content object attribute ezimage datatype image alias variation image files before these files are requested by the users using the site.

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A simple import status check script written in bash.

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A simple example solution based on default eZ Publish PHP Cli Scripts to convert variable html into 100% valid ezxml into ezxmltext content object attribute by uploading img and a tags into ez images and urls replacing the html tags with content object embed tags.

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BC Kernel Module Override is a simple eZ Publish Platform (Legacy) kernel override extension which overrides the default ezmodule class to provide a simple feature it allows extension based module views to override default kernel module views.

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BC Lorem Ipsum is a true eZ publish extension that provides module view to create example or dummy content tree nodes complete with randomly generated content (most default datatypes supported). Includes a companion command line script. Tested with eZ Publish 4.5 (Community Build 2011.10)

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BC Lower Case Url Alias implements a solution to provide eZ Publish Platform / eZ Platform url alias transformation configuration necessary to transform new content created or modified url aliases to lower case separated by underscore or dash characters.

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eZ Publish Class and Template Operators based on OWSimpleOperator extension for eZ Publish

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BC Mixed Content Prevention Filter provides a simple event (output filter) which replaces calls to http design resources. Great for ssl / https websites!

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This bundle implements a solution to provide request persistent variable storage service. Provides a symfony based replacement for the legacy ezpagedata operator.

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A simple phone number datatype

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A simple postal code number datatype

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Provides custom module views for html form parameter conversion to view parameters and redirection to destination to url + view parameters.

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The bcredirect module allows you to redirect to the main node of a content object by specifying only its content object ID

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BC Remove Translation provide eZ Publish Platform / eZ Platform commands to remove content location translations

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BC Role hasPolicy Kernel Override is a true eZ Publish extension that provides an improved modified copy of the default 'eZRole' kernel class which provides a new method called hasPolicy.

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BC RSS Feeds is an eZ Publish Legacy extension which provides a template operator and fetch functions that provide additional eZ Publish RSS feed functionality within templates

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Simple solution for paid subscription content with eZ Publish

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This project provides a simple soap search service solution

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A simple state selection datatype

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Add calculated order shipping cost line item to eZ Publish webshop order.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


BC Subtree Copy Retain Sections is a true eZ Publish extension that provides command line script to copy content tree node object subtrees while optionally retaining existing sections by providing a --retain-sections parameter.

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Simple command line script to remove nodes by range of NodeIDs.

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BC Switch Admin Language a complete eZ Publish Legacy extension containing a module view to dynamically switch the current siteaccess (admin) UI language for multilingual editors. This solution requires and provides kernel override classes and module views.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Command line scripts to create node in top level root node or move existing node to top level root node.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


BC User Password Check is a true eZ Publish extension that provides a login handler, module view replacement for user/login to provide for additional login user management rule enforcement.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


BC User Register User Placement provides a workflow event and settings to move a user upon creation to a specific user group or other content tree node based on the selection choice made during user registration (via user input). Great for organizing user object within specific groups automatically!

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


The BC Website Statistics extension allows a website to collect page view, web shop order and other statistics using Google Analytics. This product is a Certified eZ Publish Extension.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


eZ Publish Legacy kernel override class extension which provides a stable and flexible solution which adds manny more template override.ini match conditions (than supported by default) for ezxml output tag template overrides. Provides for greater template override control!

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Bash completion for eZ Publish CLI scripts.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Use Quickpays payment gateway in eZ Publish

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


works with lorem ispum

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add-on to ezsurvey extension with a '(re)captcha' question type.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


eZ Survey is a flexible extension. BF Survey File adds a new question type that will permit files to be uploaded int an ezsurvey. The binary files are stored in the 'var' directory under a specific directory. The path to the binary file is the 'answer' value.

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view a matrix of all products with their prices, translations and visibility status.

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Brithday datatype from Georg Franz handed over to eZ and now into the projects. In eZP 3 and 4 it's not possible to store dates before 1970 because the ezdate and ezdatetime datatype stores the dates in a unix-timestamp. This datatype stores the date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD in the data_text field.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


Provides recurring calendars and UI elements to improve event management in eZ

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A nice blue site style.

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


A booking system for booking rooms, or other things.

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Places upper and lower bounds on attribute-sorted search results.

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you have a fixed IP. you want connect automatically this extension is made for you.

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Backup your bd easily with a admin interface

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this extension consist of 2 cronjobs : 1 to package each content classe as a package. 1 to package all content classes in one package. when a content class is modified, the package is updated and a text is nwritten as a chancelog as the content classse XXX is modified ...

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This extension is made to ad an ok/ko page to the addtobookmark action...

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


your intranet is made with Ezpublish. Sometimes , you want to push to your colleborators an article, a news... this extension add a button to eztoolbar or a right block in admin to solve your problem.

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Allows text to break within <pre> tags.

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BuildCMS SugarCRM Bridge is an extension to eZ Publish that makes a simple integration between the worlds most popular Open Source CMS and CRM.

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This extension generates connection statistics based on users login on the website.

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Developer is a extension we have already used half year. And it can help you locating your template files in ez debug output quickly since we overrided kernel class eZTemplatesStatisticsReporter. And also it provide a template 'variables' allow you inspect variables and namespaces in template anyway.

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Provide a list of translated country name based on the current locale.

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Provide some enhancement to eZ Flow

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CA Glossary extension provides an operator that automatically identify word in XML Text based on a glossary.

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It is ezpublish legacy extension, which makes integration easier. It should be used ONLY on legacy installations (without symfony stack).

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Import CDDB/FreeDB data into eZ Publish.

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The changelog datatype provides changelog functionality for content object versions.

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This allows to easily change the owner of a content object using the context menu in the dynamic tree menu in the admin view.

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Children indexer allows to return parent nodes when searching for a term occurring in their (helper) child nodes. For example, by using this extension it is possible to return an article or a forum thread when searching for a term occurring in a related article comment or a forum post.

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What else? A site style for Christmas.

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Provides solution for quick and simple export of collected information content into csv or sylk (excel) export file formatted files.

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Prototype for AngularJS/REST based backend for eZ Publish/eZ Platform

Download:   SVN repositoryplain source


The cjw_contexthelp extension allows for a context sensitive help text on the class and attribute level.

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CJW Mediaconnector is an eZ Publish extension for file upload and file management on external servers. You can use simple network file systems like FTP or WebDAV or external cloud storage services like Youtube or Slideshare.

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CJW Newsletter is a full featured newsletter system developed by CJW network and available as an add on for eZ Publish. It integrates seamlessly with eZ Publish an eZ Flow installations.

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Class Collapse is a small extension that will allow you to handle expandable/collapsible attributes sections based on attributes categories while viewing or editing a class.

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Clean Grey eZ publish site style package. Nice and clean design. Works with top menu only.

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Second site style inpspired by the New York City subway, only this one is extremely clean.

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If you edit your objects very often, your database whille grow extremly up after a while. With this tool you can clean it up over the admin-area.

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This is a complete solution for IP authentication in eZ Publish

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Popular Brazilian datatypes

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This extension provides a secure ad transparent payment processing with F2b - The first brazilian payment gateway for eZ Publish using webservices.

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Cobrança F2b

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Administrators users can login in one eZ Publish site and administer multiples sites

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Static Cache Improved for multi-sites and cache on demand

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Tired of /xxx/node_3334/node_2232? You can use Chinese URL Translator to have: 1) /xxx/xinwen/zhongguojiashimao 2) /xxx/20111010-213/20111220-231 3) /xxx/213/231 A Chinese translator which can translate eZ URL into "<pinyin>", "<date>-<node_id>" or "<node_id>"

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Rich brown site style.

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Displays a list of collaboration items that require attention to the right hand column of the admin interface.

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Export the collected informations into csv or sylk files

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This datatype extends the data_text type and gives a userfriendly way of choosing a color. It uses the flooble javascript-based picker.

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Creates a new image from supplied rgb or hexadecimal arguments and stores it if it doesn't already exist. Returns the path to the image that was stored. Uses eZImageInterface (/lib/ezimage/classes/ezimageinterface.php) for image creation.

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This extension allows users to compare documents online, directly on your ez Publish website. Compared documents are embedded into your web-pages and are displayed with a change-tracking redline view.

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Full Russian translation for eZ publish 3.3-4

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This patch add the possibility to compress the compiled templates. (ezp 3.4.0)

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When you preview a user through admin interface there is a link "Configure user account settings" that leads to user settings. There you can find a field called "Maximum concurrent logins" but it is disabled. Patch makes this functionality work...

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Quite usefull if you have one central DNS for all of your servers

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This archive contains a kernel hack to create a content remove workflow, creating 2 triggers (pre_remove and post_remove). It contains also an extension offering an approval event usable by the pre_remove trigger).

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Rich media syndication tool.

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The cookieuser extension adds a chekbox on the login screen to remember login info with cookies.

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deprecated, please don't use it any more. It was from 2008.

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deprecated, please don't use it any more. It was from 2008. Imports Microsoft Powerpoints into eZ Publish as a gallery.

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deprecated, please don't use it any more. It was from 2008. Please use: eZ Multiupload or for data Import

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Template operator to handle counters based on a content class.

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It a simple extension, which returns number of object of one class and published from date to date. I've just published this extension because Eivind in need (so I think) (see topic: )

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A shipping handler and a datatype to add custom shipping for a product depending on country and currency. The datatype makes it possible to add different shipping based on currency and country. You can also set additional shipping for each extra item you buy from a product.

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This extension provides a country datatype for eZ publish.

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Chart template operator extension.

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Upgraded extension for eZ 4.X, based on, created by Łukasz Serwatka. With this workflow event you can automate publishing process. You can publish article/image/file or other object in multiple locations. Additional object locations you can define in configuration INI file.

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Post-publish event type to add subtree notification rules (the main node of the published object) for specific users (user objects related to an attribute of the published object).

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This is a Croatian translation of eZP 3.4.1

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This is the missing runcronjobs.php file in the 3.0 release.

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A better SPAM protection with encryted mailto: part.

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Kommentarer modul med dele funksjon. Det er fullt arbeide kommentarer modul, som ikke er avhengig av eZPublish interne database struktur. CS Comment er skrevet som en tileggspakke (Extension) . Orginalt skrevet av Remigijus Kiminas. Vi tilrettelegger dette for Norske og Nynorske brukere. (Nynorsk versjon kommer)

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Comments module with sharding feature.

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Mail check widget module.

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It's Apc and Memcached powered cache block function. It stores cache block data in memory and reduces calls to disk.

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Pages using the CSS Dropdown Top menu version 1.1 ( will fail XHTML validation because some tags are not closed properly. This fix is a full replacement for the flat_top.tpl template file which addresses those issues.

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CSS Dropdown Top menu is based on the original works of the CSS menu by Stu Nicholls CSS menu by Stu Nicholls

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Extension to eZ Publish that provides a CSS optimizer for ezjscore that inlines small images as Data URLs in the packed CSS source to minimize number of HTTP requests.

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Allows you to export content objects with text and int and related attributes to CSV. All configurable with an easy to grasp GUI.

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A quick hack to the cronjob scripts for rss import (3.3-beta1) and link checking (3.2) using curl. You may want this if your server is behind a firewall and it cannot do direct http requests but you have access to a proxy.

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This extension allows a developer to write templates to create, draft, edit, hide, move and delete nodes and versions without using /content/action and /content/edit calls. It allows/requires you to write your own, customized, edit forms that use a well documented and easy to understand interface. It's not intended as a replacement for the admin, but rather as a simplified framework to build custom edit interfaces for the public user or intermediate parties (editors). Please note * This is not the default way to create forms in an ezPublish site. Documentation on the default way of doing this is in the book, page 149-152. I can't find it online. * This is in Beta. Things will change. Help is appreciated.

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Very first czech translation

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This contribution adds options for daily and monthly notification digest settings.

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Tutei Social is a social networking extension for eZ publish build on top of eZ flow extension. Available for download on

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The purpose of that extension is to import data from a given data source (like xml/csv documents) into the eZ Publish content tree.

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The datatypes extension provides a module with a datatype usage view and a plugin-based datatype-to-datatype conversion utility.

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DB Attribute Converter is an extension that can save life of some devolopers, that have to modify existing content class attributes replacing one attribute datatype by another. Using this extension it's possible to keep content of converted attribute untouched or striped - depending on source and target datatypes.

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The DBI extension allows you to embed videos hosted by into an eZ publish XML content field via a custom tag.

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The DBI Content Review Date extension allows a review date to be set for specific content.

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The DBI notifications extension allows users to choose a initial notification subtree set they wish to be subscribed to upon registration.

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The DBI random code extension add a datatype which automatically creates a unique random numerical code for each new object.

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The DBI read verification extension allows selected content to be marked as "Read required" which is very useful on organisational intranets for example. Users can then be shown a listing of read required content that they have not yet read. Once they have read users can click "Mark as read" which removes it from their list.

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eZ Publish legacy extension - datatype - to add lates Google Invisible ReCaptcha as attribute to contact forms etc.. to protect old sites from spam.

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The developer extension contains a collection of useful command line scripts, a GUI for building content/tree fetches showing PHP code, template code and actual results, and a basic view to parse user-entered template code.

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A clean and professional site design for eZ publish Now based on CSS standards.

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Implementation of sofortü (Payment Network AG) payment gateway

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Project to coordinate / discuss community documentation for,, articles and upcoming community doc (faq / getting started) section on new ez community site.

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Downloads a file... (PROGRAMMED FOR PERSONAL USE and published only as a 'reference'. Not guaranteed to be workable condition.) - educational :)

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This is a download handler. Just before downloading a file, it checks if the content object for the file has the attribute policy set to true. If so, the user is prompted a download policy which must be accepted in order to download the file.

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The "Google News URL" extension makes Google able to index your articles in Google News.

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For eZ publish template development it is convenient to have quick access to all available attributes for a specific node. In addition, a developer often needs to check the content class definition. The dynamic debug extension loads this information on demand, without reloading the page, using AJAX.

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This extension provides a dynamic top menu for users to navigate.

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This is an operator for creating dynamic tree-structured menus in every depth. It is easy to use and very flexible.

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Dynamic modify attribute value bypassing standard eZ publish workflow

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A site style for Easter.

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This extension provides you quick interfaces to create content when you don't want to populate all the fields but just the title. This is particulary usefull to create the structure of a website, where only the name of the different page are known. It also allows you to clear the cache of only one page from that page (really handy when developping templates).

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This extension provides you quick interfaces to create content when you don't want to populate all the fields but just the title.This is particularly useful to create the structure of a website, where only the name of the different page are known. It also allows you to clear the cache of only one page from that page (really handy when developing templates). Last but not the least, it contains all the bricks to build an efficient collaborative approval system (based on the sections)

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A modification of PayPal gateway to serve Polish popular payment service eCard

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Add or replace domain of your static content url with a CDN domain like cloudfront

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Implement command tool used to generate favicons

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This bundle aims to provide a webFactory tool in eZ Platform context.

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This bundle provider Two Factor Authentication for your siteaccess

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This extension let a user (or a group of users) edit the customer info for an order. © Innoteam

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Syntax highlighting file for editplus 2

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This script is for converting spool dirs and emails to an eZ Articles. For Version 3.x.

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This is an override template for the XML literal tag that handles embedded HTML. There are simply too many useful text formatting features of HTML that are not supported by the standard XML syntax ( for instance centered text in table data ). Use of this template allows users to embed either pre-formatted text or standard HTML in ezPublish documents.

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|encode(typeOfenocde) md5, url, html

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This extension add some features in eZ publish administration.

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hack to enhance 'attribute' operator to show scalar and NULL variables as well

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This datatype was developed to make it possible to send binary files collected from forms as multipart MIME emails. For example, the enhanced eZBinaryfile datatype can be used to allow people to attach documents to feedback forms.

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The Enhanced eZBinaryfile datatype makes it possible to use the information collector functionality to allow (anonymous) users to send/upload files as attachments. If mail is enabled for the information collector, the file is sent as a multipart MIME attachment.

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Extended Attribute Filter for the enhanced object relation datatype.

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That's a mix between the default object relation (single relation, ala radio button) and the object relation list datatypes (multiple relations, ala check boxes). It provides the same functionalities, but store the relation into the object relation table instead of into the object as an xml node and support and a more intuitive interface to select the related objects (4 options to let your editor choose the related objects).

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The Enhanced Selection type was initially based on the standard eZ publish Selection ('ezselection') datatype. It's original intent was to provide the same functionality as the standard datatype, but store an identifier instead of an id in the contentobject attribute. Later on it was extended to provide more functionality, particularly on the class level.

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This extension provide a new eZPublish 4 datatype displayed as a checkbox wich value is the current date. This typically can be used to tell a user agreement while he is registering.

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An educational example of a module for accessing EUR exchange rates.

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Versatile quiz and survey extension with lots of options and conditions.

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This extension provides an ez way to include an expandable list of tree nodes in any template. It uses javascript and css from David Lindquist at

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Add a ajax explorer like interface to provide either a document management system or a quicker admin interface

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"Extended Date" extends the features of the default eZDate datatype.

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Extension and module manager to easily and quickly generate and edit (for a part of it) ready made ez framework for your custom - php applications (modules and views) with templates or not. - template operators - action - admin top menu tab

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This template operator extension randomizes an array/result. It uses the PHP shuffle function.

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This patch makes it possible to place search engine plugins inside extensions. You won't have to move them inside the kernel anymore.

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This command line script extracts data from existing content objects and creates new content objects of another class with it. It is not recommended that you use this script in its current state on a production site. Make sure you test it first on a development copy.

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This extension delivers tools and classes for extracting/exporting content object data to csv.

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A little patch with two new fetch functions, maybe useful for somebody else.

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Markdown files contains some tips to work on eZ Publish 5.x. Available in English and French. Please feel free to create new languages !

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This extenstion delivers tools for the admin. - Backup - PHPInfo - User Change ( like 'su' under linux ) - Database webinterface for submitting queries - Accelerator interfaces ( APC, eAccelerator )

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Correctly manage autoload for eZPublish

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Improved templates for displaying events in an calendar. Now with toolbar examples, a step-by-step documentation, and more explanation of the template code.

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This project is a Proof.Of.Concept for an Angular Based Application displaying content served by eZ Publish (new stack) over its REST API v2 The goal of this is project is to provide a foundation for lightning fast front-end for eZ Publish.

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Allow to set up Apache to delegate user authentication to eZPublish for protecting non-php resources such as webdav / subversion shares. Allow eZPublish to delegate to Apache user authentication

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This is an updated version of ezapprove2, working for eZ Publish V4.1

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Approval workflow event with support for selecting multiple approvers, and author selected approvers. It also allows the approves to edit the pending objects, and can be used to create multistep approval workflows.

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Simple template operator that search for similar attributes in parent objects.

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This module allows send a message to content object author.

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eZ Authorize is a complete eZ publish payment gateway extension which provides transparent, secure credit card payment processing using the eZ publish and the Authorize.Net credit card processing service.

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A small extension that enables auto saving content editing form in ez publish.

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eZAWStats provides an interface in eZ Publish to view AWStats statistics generated from server log files.

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Allow to use bespin to edit eZP templates, configuration files and php code.

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allow you to use the binary File datatype as information collector with support Clusturing

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A collection of extensions, each one intended to demo an aspect of the eZ Publish API

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Integrates eZ Publish with the Brightcove Video Platform

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eZBrowserSniff detects browser/platform combinations. This script provides powerful capabilities, providing extensive information about each of the various browser/platform combinations. Use it to pass the current browser/platform combination to your templates if you need to supply the user with different information depending on their user agent. A key example of this is to provide different style sheets for Mozilla and Internet Explorer.

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Allows for a more accurate clearing of cache block via a helper object.

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Calendar Module for eZpublish 3.

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Creates a datatype that allows you to upload a Camtasia .zip file for display through eZ publish.

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The extensions enables eZ Publish to support the canonical link tag to reduce duplicate search results when publishing content in multiple locations. The canonical tag is currently supported by Ask, Google, Microsoft and Yahoo!

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eZChangeClass allows to change content class of specified object(s) to another class, keeping its content using mapping between attributes.

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An implementation of blueimp ajax chat in eZpublish, like an extension with module and datatype views, and complete integration of user/role management within eZpublish.

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eZ Child Node Priority Rotator is a cronjob-based extension for eZ Publish that makes it possible to dynamically change values of integer-datatype-based attributes that are dedicated for sorting purposes, or do the same with the built-in nodes' priority parameter.

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Adds a tab in the Administration Interface that lists objects by content class and lets you quickly edit or delete them.

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eZ Class Specification is a standalone application allowing you to easily and quickly create a specification of the content classes used on an eZ Publish web site. When used in conjunction with the nmcontentclass extension for eZ Publish, the specification generated by this application can be imported into an eZ Publish installation, creating new classes and modifying existing ones accordingly.

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Extension allows easier content class sync between different developers of the same project.

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Cleaned up eZFlow design extension.

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eZclipse is an Eclipse plug-in for supporting the CMS eZ Publish.

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The Firefox eZ CMF Developer extension allows you to control some debug settings of eZPublish with your browser, clearing cache automatically. A toolbar is installed for access to this functionality. This is licensed under the GPL, as specified in the supplied license.txt file. The ez logo is the trademark and is copyrighted by eZ systems. It is used with permission from eZ systems. ***THIS EXTENSION IS FOR DEVELOPERS. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS ON A LIVE SITE*** Full documentations is provided in the archive file and at the VisionWT page:

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Definition of eZ Publish coding style to be used along with php_codesniffer from Pear.

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This datatype extends the data_text type and gives a userfriendly way of choosing a color.

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A collection of syndicated news feeds related to eZ

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eZ Config editor allow to list, view and edit all eZ publish ini files.

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The ultimate content staging extension for replicating content between different eZ Publish instances

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eZCopy is a small, stand-alone application (not an eZ Publish extension) making it easier to copy/move entire/parts of an eZ Publish based web site.

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A collection of useful tools, many to enable Ajax / Web 2.0 features in eZ Publish: Object rating, hiding / unhiding cronjob + edit handler, json_encode / xml_encode / node_encode / fetch_main_node, reverse proxy purge cronjob, small javascript library, Node has children filter, Object id's filter, javascript / css packer and a bunch of module views for relating / publishing / rating content with ajax calls or redirects back to the page the user came from.

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Allow ezcountry datatype to be filtered

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Based on ezcountrytype.php datatype contributed by Esben Maalø.

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The aim of the project is to provide interfaces for modifying images in the admin interface.

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A little animated flash application showing the tags in a funny way that overrides the initial tagcloud of ezpublish.

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This extension allows to add multiple items of a product to the shop basket.

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Payment gateway for Cybermut

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provides Euro-Information CyberMUT payment gateway support.

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Add a javascript calendar using jQuery UI DatePicker in ezdate edit.

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A popup calendar for ezdate and ezdatetime attributes. Places a button next to ezdate and eadatetime attributes which allows the user to select the date or date and time from the popup calendar.

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Aims to add foreign keys to eZ Publish db schema and provide tools to do consistency checks of data.

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eZ DBug is a true eZ publish extension that provides simple, styled variable dump debug output features. These features are available as template operators and php class object methods. This code is very simple to customize to meet your own tastes and needs!

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eZDebug Helper is a Chrome/Chromium browser extension that assists developers in debugging eZPublish websites. The main idea behind this project, is to process default debug information provided by eZPublish and allow developer to easily interact with them.

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This extension adds new template operators, useful for development / debugging.

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This extension ease reading of the debug while having a lot of information in the page. To install this, just download the xpi, double click on it and restart FireFox. Then go to the url of your website, activate the debug. To launch the eZDebug extension, you can click on the right corner or do a CTRL + SHIFT + Q. The debug will then appear in a tree and you can filter it. A hack is needed : change the lines in the following file : libezutilsclassesezdebug.php:1403 echo "<table style='border: 1px lightgray;' cellspacing='0' id='ezdebug-table'>"; libezutilsclassesezdebug.php:1444 echo "<tr><td class='debugheader' valign='top' $identifierText><font color="$color"><span>$name:</span></font> <span>$label</span></td> <td class='debugheader' valign='top'><span>$time</span></td></tr> <tr><td colspan='2'><pre$pre><span>" . $contents . "</span></pre></td></tr>";

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eZDelete is a simple extension for eZ Publish to clear the queue in the form of data collection.

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eZDevTools is a REST based toolbox for eZ Publish developers.

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Extension provides a template operator 'dictionary()'.

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eZ Publish integration of Disqus service for comments

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eZ DMS bring eZ Publish a step further, in the DMS world by adding the following functions

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Doc Block datatype helps to build view/edit GUI (especially for forms) that need to display or link to outside content, usually terms, rules, disclaimers, documents, previews, or whatever else (further referred to as document).

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eZeasyrec is a simple integration of easyrec using the javascript functions. easyrec is an open source recommendation engine.

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eZecosystem is an eZ Publish Community Project Planet dedicated to sharing the source code of our website with the members of the community. eZecosystem was created on top of eZ Publish Community Project 2012.3, 2013.5, 2014.07 (eZ Publish 5.x+ and PHP 5.3+ or PHP 5.4+)

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This is a translation extension which aims to simplify the English terms and phrases currently used in eZ Publish.

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eZEnhancedDebug makes you able to profile your templates.

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ezenv: an operator which can be used to pass variables between templates. Obsolete, use the ezhttp operator which is standard now

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The ez eventmanager extension provides the functionality to manage events and its subscribers. The administration user can get all subscribers of an event by downloading a csv list.

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Provides tools to build (package) extensions for eZ Publish.

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Allows to easily (ideally one-click process) install/deinstall extensions available on the website

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This is a FedEx shipping extension. It can be added to your 3.8+ shop and deal with shipping based on weight and destination country. It also allows the user to enter a different destination to the registration address and country but will require a small patch to the kernel.

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eZ Feed Parse provides a template fetch function that allows access to RSS or ATOM feeds.

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The Fianet extension allow to integrate the eZ publish e-shop with Fianet method .

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Aims to provide generate:fieldtype command to help generating new FieldType by providing FieldType bundle structure for eZ Platform context

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This extension contains the template operator "uffilesize" which shows the given filesize in a user friendly format.

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eZ Find for Japanese with Java morphological analyzer, "Sen"

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Various utilities and classes for eZ Find

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The ezfire extension is a debugging tool to use the firephp firefox extension to output debug data to the firebug firefox extension console. This allows debugging output without modifying the output the end user sees in their web browser. It is comprised of a template operator and a php class to display debug output from templates or from php code.

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Display a sexy tag cloud in flash using the keywords of eZ Publish

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This extension brings a new block type for eZ Flow, allowing to display content elements on a Google Map.

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eZFlickr allows you to browse your flickr account from eZ Publish and upload into eZ your Flickr photos

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transform pdf in flipbook.

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An extension to use flipping book (see galleries on eZ publish.

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Convert your ezbinary pdf files in a flash-based flip book.

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Video player for flash video in eZ publish. Supports file upload, streaming server (rtmp) and live video streaming.

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eZFluxBB is an extension eZ publish which allows FluxBB (formerly PunBB) and eZ Publish to communicate.

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eZforOb is an e-shop, implemented by openTrends Solucions i Sistemes S.L. (, based on eZ, that connects to the Openbravo ERP ( and synchronizes its catalogs and tickets with it.

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This extenson allows you to gather feedback from your visitors coming from search engines.

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enhanced the defaut ezfind/classes/ezfsolrdocumentfieldobjectrelation.php

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Give your eZPublish the ability to act as an FTP server, enabling you to download and upload content (image, article...) from any FTP client (Filezilla, Fetch) or directly from a mounted remote drive in your file browser (with fuse). Could be a good alternative to webdav...

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Create contents using a very simple xml file to describe the content tree. The contents are filled with random text ("Lorem ipsum" like), random files or images.

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eZgeolocalization is an extension that profides geo-ip functionalities.

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With this extension you can highlight the syntax of all common languages including PHP, C, Java, CSS, C, CPP, XHTML and more, including eZ own .tpl and .ini files.

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eZGithub allow you to display live informations from Github within your templates.

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ezgoogleanalytics aims at providing a full integration of the Google analytics API from eZ publish.

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This extension provides templates for editing attribute content with an added "translate" button. When clicked, the attribute content is translated by a call to the Google AJAX Language API

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eZ GPG provides simple, transparent, secure (openpgp) encryption and decryption

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eZGroupware will be based on the eZ Components. While it aims to become a useable groupware suite, it's short term scope is to make experiences with the components in real use cases and to give those experiences back in the development of the components.

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This extension allow the fine use of CSS and JS in ezpublish. The aim of the extension is to allow the use of javascript and css in only some parts of an ezpublish site in an unobtrusive way (without need to "hack" the pagelayout with lots of if's conditions). The principle is that the js an css files needed at some site section are registered with the "ezheadregister" operator, the registered files are pushed into a session varible and the are written in the page layout with the "ezheadwrite" operator. Every time the ezheadwrite operator is called the session variable is cleaned and the built in next execution cycle.

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eZ Human CAPTCHA is a simple eZ Publish extension which provides a collection of tools that make it easier to use session-based CAPTCHA techniques for preventing bots from submitting any unwanted data to your website.

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This extension helps indexing content from ancestors / descendants of a content object to the search engine.

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This is simple notification. Administrator or other person can receive e-mail after content publish. Useful if you don't have access to cron (notification system needs it), but you still want to control content created in front-end, for example article comments.

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Provide scripts to : - create/update roles

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eZ Intranet provides ready-made solution which can be used in corporate Intranet as content manage

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This operator returns the country name of the client based on a IP lookup table.

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The eZ iPhone admin (vzthhadmin) extension allows you to easy manage content with your iPhone or other mobile device.

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A collection of commonly used datatypes in Japanese projects

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Effort to integrate the Kaltura open source video platform in eZ Publish.

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ezkaltura provides data types to exchange between the kaltura server and ezpublish.

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Adds an autocomplete feature on the Keywords datatype ( ezkeyword ) during content edition. Previously entered keywords will be shown in a suggestion drop down. It also makes sure an already picked up keyword is not picked again. It is based on YUI's Autocomplete component.

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Please read the bug report at

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This extension adds a window control named "Keywords Nodes". It adds a location to a node with a simple Select pre-configured according the class_identifier,subtree,node... This extension create a new concept, the "Keywords Nodes"... read next for the details ;) --- Created by Changes for multiple nodes at once by: Donat Fritschy - Ekkehard Dörre -

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This extension provides a simple way to label objects of the content tree with self defined catchwords.

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use less css with ezpublish. website:

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Extension that provides Nokia Lifeblog support in the eZ Publish Content Management System. Using the extension, you can produce a blog post (including photos, SMS, and text) on any Lifeblog-enabled Nokia device and post it to eZ Publish based blogs

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This extension is a remote subscribe/unsubscribe of phplist newsletter.

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port of ezlupdate to php

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The changes in this patch allow you to debug e-mail messages. All e-mail will be send to a specified address. Custom headers with the original receivers are added to each e-mail.

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This fixes the problem with duplicate To and Subject headers.

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eZ Mail Hide extension helps you protect your customers inboxes from spamming by asking anonymous users to solve a reCAPTCHA challenge before they can view any email address published by the content management system of eZ Publish. It uses reCAPTCHA API but it does not need you to sign up to, as far as reCAPTCHA Mailhide API key can be freely generated here :

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Extension for importing e-mails with imap & pop3 support.

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Provides functionality for sending mails to e-mail-addresses of a single object, a list of objects, to single user or a list of users. This extension is based on ezmail written by Lukasz Serwatka.

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Translation in Italian Language of EZ User Manual

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Allow you to use the matrix datatype as information collector.

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Flash application file of the media player used in eZ Flow

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The Mercanet extension allows to integrate the eZ publish e-shop with Mercanet method of payment .

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This extension gives client scripts to performe automated site migration. It can performe the sql and php scripts on all the databases found.

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This project provides a collection of eZ Publish dedicated sample mobile applications for the iOS and Android platforms. It includes both sample hybrid and native mobile applications. Applications source code is a integral part of the guidelines about how to create a hybrid and native mobile application for eZ Publish.

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eZ Multivalue is a datatype for eZ Publish enabling storage of multiple values in one datatype. The values may be of different data types ( eks, string, integer, float, etc. ).

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Munin plugin to monitor an eZ Publish instance

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eZ My Collected Info extension gives front-end access to one's collected info. The ownership of the collections is determined based on the ownership of the content object that collected the information. In other words, it is not who sent the information, but whose object it was sent to, that is considered the owner, and thus can browse/read, and optionally delete.

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eZNetbeans is a Netbeans plug-in for supporting the eZ Publish tpl files. Version 0.3.3 and source available at To use the palette, drag and drop the palette item to source editor.

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Company : Author : Sébastien Morel - French description : This extension is designed to easily insert one or several "AFP(Agence France-Presse) News Blocks". (Those News are develivered by AFP in XML : NewsML. In addition to displaying the index of the differents News, it displays also the full content of a news in the website context($module_result.content). The index block is loaded using Ajax so the cache eZpublish is bypassed to display the last news in real-time.

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eZ Newsletter Mail Management extension

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A newsletter extension. This extension handles subscriptionlists and bounces. You can find the eZ Newsletter forum at

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Spanish translation for eZ Newsletter User Handbook.

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just a quick hack...

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Allow you to use the object relation list datatype as information collector.

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This worklow event notify users when an object state is changed

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ezobjectstatesfilter extension provides an extended attribute filter to filter on object states

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The Ogone extension allows to integrate the eZ publish e-shop with Ogone method of payement .

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Implementation of a simplified mvc scheme, modeled after Rails applications

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The eZ Publish Extension for Oracle® Database (also known as "ezoracle" extension) makes it possible to use Oracle as a database server for eZ Publish.

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A little extension to manage order.

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Simple overwrite for view provided by eZGmapLocation in order to use Openstreetmap data via OpenLayers API. Also an eZFlow block is provided similar to geo_located_content.tpl.

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This project aims to bundle some tools that are useful for upgrading custom code written for eZ Publish 3 / PHP 4.4 for use with eZ Publish 4 / PHP 5.

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Payment Gateway for Paymill

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Payment gateway for Paypal

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eZp Collective Reports Admin is a true eZ Publish extension that provides a simple semi-dynamic module view which displays information and links to individual report views available with the system

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This extension which provides a flexible solution which provides a quick and simple report of content tree content objects content in csv format

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ezPdfViewer is an ezpublish extension that allows pdf to be transformed as flash files for visualisation without downloading.

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Turns your ezp install into a pear server

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A solution which provides for an eZ Publish based Wiki

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eZp Enhanced Link Check is a true eZ Publish extension that provides a customized commandline script to test for valid links in content

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The swiss-army knife of eZ Publish performance tracing and profiling An extension dedicated to measuring time taken, memory consumed, number of queries executed by every single page on an eZ Publish powered site. It can trace custom variables too.

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The eZPersistentObject Generator project aims to provide tools to create skeletons for eZPersistentObject sub classes from database tables.

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Allows introspection of all eZPO classes, (recursive) encoding of them, and has a script to analyze the online docs to complement its knowledge of datatypes for dynamic attributes with information coming from the manual. It can also scan online docs for fetch functions.

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eZ Personal Frontpage allows content objects to be shown on personalized frontpages which can individually be moved by drag & drop.

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eZp Extended Asort extension implements a basic eZ Publish template operator which provides the following capabilities: Template operator: 'extended_asort()'

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What is the eZp Failover extension? eZp Failover is a true eZ Publish extension that provides a javascript based failover warning. An eZ Publish extension provides a design which in turn provide javascript and css for the failover warning. The javascript makes an ajax call to the provided module view to determine if a failover warning should be given.

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eZp Folders With No Content Report is a true eZ Publish extension that provides commandline script to find folder objects with no description content and generate a csv report

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eZ publish chat extension that uses phpFreeChat project.

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This extension provides the ping functionnality to eZ Publish via a custom workflow event.

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This extension add a menu tab to see the website statistics generated by eZ piwik

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A planet system for eZ publish

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This package includes 3 popular Polish datatypes REGON, PESEL, NIP. All datatypes are independent, this means that you can choose which you want to use. This datatypes can be useful for Polish users.

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eZp Literal Object CSV Report is a true eZ Publish cli script that provides commandline script to find orphaned image objects and generate a csv report

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eZp Member Report is a true eZ Publish cli script that provides commandline script to find members and generate a csv report

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Private Messaging system for eZ Publish sites. This extension provides functionality typical for internet forums. User can send message to other user, read, edit, delete or reply on message. He can also build his contact list or add users to blacklist.

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An eZ Publish script extension which provides a simple example of how to normalize content attribute data / content

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Just a css "popup" trick

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This extension which provides a simple ajax based alternative to the default shop/orderlist module view report

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eZp Orphaned Image Objects Report is a true eZ Publish cli script that provides commandline script to find orphaned image objects and generate a csv report

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Private Messaging system for eZ Publish sites based on typical forums. It supports sending message, adding to contact list, blacklist and message managing (inbox, sent, drafts).

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This site's own project.

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eZp Section Content Report is a true eZ Publish module view extension that provides a simple module view to export a basic csv report of all the content under a specified section

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eZ Public Keywords datatype extends built-in eZ Publish ezkeyword type by providing it with some additional validation rules.

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suit for mainland china, tested with ez3 subversion 2.

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eZ Publish and eZ Components Zend Studio Coding Standard Profile

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eZ Publish and all extensions in Portuguese-BR

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A (pake based) build tool, used to help create distributable versions of eZ Publish Community Project from the github sources and to test new packaged formats. NB: it is not a complete tool, as it relies on other repositories to carry out most build tasks.

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The phrasebook to use with QT linguist to create a dutch translationfile. But perhaps you want to check this first:

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Dutch translation file But perhaps you want to check this first:

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A public git based mirror of resources (mirror, 3.x->5.x docs, file downloads) hosted at and

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A public git / github based mirror of resources (mirror, deprecated subversion repositories, project downloads). Hosted at Projects Website Mirror Code: Projects Subversion Repositories and Downloads:

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99% done!!!! a little words do not translate! if you can translate it !please tell me! 3Q for eZ publish 3.5 tesk ok! 05-01-24 fix some error!

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Script for creating backups of ezpublish sites

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A xml file who define several templates for Zend Studio --- Created by

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Smultron is a MAC OSX editor. And Syntax highlight is now included out of the box. Thanks Peter Borg ;-)

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Central project for collaborative translation of eZ Publish.

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A python/xslt script which enables easy upgrade of your existing translation.ts to the next major translation release.

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eZ Publish 3.10 User Manual in Spanish.

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eZPubSub is an extension based on PubSubHubBub protocol that makes possible to share content not only between several instances of eZ Publish but also with social networks like and

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This extension provides an API as well as the ezpublish features to generate QR Codes based on content.

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Allow end users to review and rate several kinds of content.

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Debugger application for eZ Publish REST interface

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REST framework for eZ Publish 4.0+ . For more information about REST:

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The extension contains a configurable rssfeed toolbar for displaying rssfeeds on your site. It also contains a rssfeed template operator for fetching rssfeeds into a template.

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Template operator for parsing rss files.

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eZRSS2 is an extension in order to import/export rss using language and siteacces. ToDo: - choose siteacess - create fetch function

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Adds support for right-to-left languages to your site

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Small eZ Publish extension to create a node that would be displayed as a S5 slide presentation.

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A sandbox for API and SDK elements for eZ Publish and extensions development

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deprecated, please don't use it any more. It was from 2005.

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This is a enhanced version of the default search engine in eZ Publish ('ezsearch'), it adds support for sorting search result by (word) ranking, decay search result based on how old the object are and complete configuration options for those two features.

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This operator returns array most frequent search phrases. Useful if you want display list of frequent search phrases with stats somewhere in your website. Alternative to search/stats module.

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An update to the ezselection datatype

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This operator returns $_SERVER variable, an array containing information such as headers, paths, and script locations.

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This is a collection of (self-written) shell tools (which other people might also find useful) that we end up using a lot while working on the Linux command line.

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A toolkit to do ascreen image it can be use to make a screenshot of public web site. use the shotbot webservice (

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The extension enable simple stock control of items to be sold. When creating an item for sale simply enter an attribute with an identifier called "quantity". Then when it is purchased it decrements the quantity field by the quantity ordered. It's not very elegant but is perfect from small solutions.

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Add Atos Origin SIPS payment gateway support.

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This extension makes it possible to access the $GLOBALS['eZCurrentAccess'] variable from templates using a template operator called siteaccess() operator.

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Quick solution for generation of static pages from an eZ Publish (article)site.

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eZ Slideshare lets you embed any presentation (and only that, for now) in an XML Block.

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This operator uses a modified version of the SmartyPants Typographer utility to automagically make a website use typographically correct quotes. Opening and closing quotes (as well as other settings) can be modified via overriding smartquotes.ini. The 1.0 release is based on SmartyPants Typographer and adds several options for normalizing the spacing around various punctuation marks. Additionally, two new aliases for the "ezsmartquotes" operator have been introduced: "smartquotes" and "smartq".

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A nice javascript gallery module for images slideshows.

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Source code example snippets for eZ Publish

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The ultimate eZ Publish monitoring extensions. Allows monitoring (and eventually control) of an eZ Publish instance via . the snmp protocol . http request . command-line script This means that any monitoring tool that is snmp enabled (in practice all of them) can be used to monitor the status of the eZ Publish server. Both availability monitoring and performance monitoring are targeted.

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Allows log in your eZ Platform project using your favourite social networks

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An eZ publish search plugin using the Lucene-based Solr search server.

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The eZSpellchecker is an spell checker component for text fields.

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Sphinx powered full-text search engine plugin for eZ Publish.

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Add SPPLus (caisse d'épargne) payment gateway

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This is a drop-in module for eZ publish 3.4 to implement support for the database SQLite (.

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eZ Publish database handler for SQLite.

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ezsqlquery introduces a datatype which allow you to manipulate SQL Table directly. These datatype features are the listed below: * Gets multiple data from the SQL Table, depend on the Select query provided on the content class * Allows to preform INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE operation on the table when editing the content object * SELECT/INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE query can be changed dynamically based on ethe value of the content object * Added extra view(SELECT) query which allow refine the data * SQL Table change will be version, if its edited using content object * Index the content to solr( Need ezfind )

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The goal of this extension is to make it possible to run eZ Publish on top of a MS SQL Server® database. It will run on top of the Microsoft SQL Server Driver for PHP, which is a php extension developed by Microsoft and, at the time of writing this, only available for the windows platform. Please note that there is already a working extension that connects eZ Publish to MS SQL Server:

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The subtree skeleton publish workflow event will initialize the subtree of the published object based upon an existing skeleton subtree.

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An extension for checking the states of the objects that are in a state group.

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This extension makes it possible to export a static version of an eZ Publish site.

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This extension contains a operator that allows counting page hits and retrieve it for doing statistics or showing node hits.

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Indexing content for further suggestions using (X)ajax for object relation linking. (See screenshot for demonstration)

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With this extended attribute filter you can fetch content related to a specific subtree. Paid maintenance and support are available, contact for conditions and pricing.

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Add suggestions in the search field of the admin interface.

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This extension provide a custom attribute to add up integer values of attributes in a same content class.

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Survey module for eZ publish 3.7+

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Delivers tools for eZ publish to synconize with SVN Repositories.

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eZSwift bundles the Swift PHP library for sending e-mails. Swift has many more features compared to the ezmail libary included with eZ Publish.

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eZ Deploy is an automatic deploy system based on rsync shell script.

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The script select a number limit of tagclouds to display their in a box to home page by example.

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Create RSS feeds from tags, using the hierarchical tree structure from eZ Tags

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Create a map with links to tagged objects, e.g. show your offices or projects on the map.

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eZ Tags is an eZ Publish extension for taxonomy management and easier classification of content objects, providing more functionality for tagging content objects than ezkeyword datatype included in eZ Publish kernel.

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Enables direct usage of XML DOM objects in eZ Publish templates.

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Adds preview functionality of node/view/full.tpl template overrides.

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PHPUnit extension integrated with official runtests.php script. With this tool you can write functional tests and acceptance tests. Tool integrates also fixtures load from yaml file. The yaml loader coul also be used as importer.

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A tool for IDE for developing eZ Publish/extension unit test easier.

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Template operator providings basic Textile phrase modificators to TextLine/Block fields or generic strings. So the editor can use _emph_ instead of <em>emph</em> and you simply had to {$input|textism}.

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A complete solution of tools for cleaning with Tidy the HTML code generated by eZ Publish.

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A wrapper script for the standalone Tika toolkit that allows conversion to plain text and indexing of a large variety of binary file types like MsWord, MsOffice, PDF, Excel, ODF, ....

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This extension provides tools for eZ Publish developpers in a Google Chrome extension

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EzTotp Two-factor authentication for eZPublish

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This extension provides trackback functionality for eZ Publish. The central idea behind trackback is the idea of a trackback ping, a request saying, essentially, "resource A is related/linked to resource B." A trackback "resource" is represented by a trackback Ping URL, which is just a standard URI.

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A collection of tools to help managing eZ Publish translations

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Allows for having a tree of selectable options instead of a plain HTML select.

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eZ Tube is an extension that makes it possible to setup and configure a video portal in minutes, using selected content from YouTube. The extension makes it possible to display YouTube videos, user profiles, playlists, favorites, etc. on your own eZ Publish website. It also allows you to upload videos to a YouTube user account. Through the use of optional filters you can control what is displayed on your eZ Publish website. Content is collected through the YouTube API and cached locally.

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eztypography is a filter that generates your HTML source with the PHP Typog­ra­phy solution. PHP Typog­ra­phy is used to greatly improve web typog­ra­phy.

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This is a collection of common datatypes whose validation has been extended so to verify their uniqueness within given content object attribute. Otherwise, these datatypes behave exactly as their prototypes.

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eZUpgrade is stand-alone application (not an eZ Publish extension) automating the process of upgrading an eZ Publish installation.

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This extension enables users to migrate custom url aliases and url history entries.

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Enables eZ Publish URLs to be transliterated from Chinese to non UTF-8 characters.

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An extended attribute filter for attributes of the URL datatype.

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This extension will allow you to create URL shortener web service like, or The shortened URLs will look like: But with a RewriteRule it can be: See the full description for more details

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Makes it possible to generate URLwildcards as well as Apache RewriteRules based upon a single configuration file

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This extension is meant to provide a flexible control over each user's create/edit activity in relation to each content class. It introduces a datatype that doesn't validate if user is trying to go beyond one's defined limits, and couple of template operators that can help produce functional templates.

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Extended attribute filter to filter enabled/disabled user accounts.

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Adds photo to ezuser

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Provides a new datatype that handles video files and converts them into FLV so that they can be read with a web FLV player (like on Youtube or Dailymotion). It is based on the ezmedia datatype. It also produces an image preview for each videos.

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ezviewcounter template operator returns count how many times node was viewed. Can be use with updateviewcount.php script to displays view count for one node or as "manualy" view count updater.

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eZVim is a vim plugin released under the GNU GPL that adds some features to vim for eZ Publish CMS.

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Makes it possible to use Varnish (Or other reverse proxies/http accelerator that lets you cache or no cache based on the existence of a cookie) and logged users.

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eZ Vote Collector is an eZ Publish extension which provides a collection of tools that can facilitate collecting and accessing simple one-dimensional user input. It is mostly appropriate for polls, grading, checklists, single question answers.

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deprecated, please don't use it any more. It was from 2007.

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The goal is to expose as much as possible of existing eZP functionality (views, fetch functions, etc) via webservices.

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The eZ Publish Word 2007 toolbar is a tab in the Microsoft Word 2007 Ribbon UI, which provides support for importing and exporting eZ Publish articles as Microsoft Word documents.

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A collection of general-purpose workflow events

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Deprecated - look at ezworkflowcollection extension instead

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This project's goal is to deliver reusable components to add autocomplete functionality to text boxes, by using the xajax library.

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Add and reorder content class attributes without the need for a page refresh using Ajax.

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The eZ Xajax extension allows you to easily create powerful, web-based, Ajax applications through it's integration of the xajax PHP class library into eZ publish.

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eZ X Design - CSS Framework & Web 2.0 Component library

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eZ Yomigana 5.x enables Yomigana ( Ruby ) support extension for eZ Online Editor 5.x. This extension is a combination of a custom tag, tinyMCE plugin and specific CSS style.

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Provides a new datatype that allows user to define color for content object using a javascript color picker. This datatype uses the Yahoo YUI javascript framework. Defined color is stored in hexadecimal

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An ajax extension for easier client / server integrations using yui 3.0 and concepts from ezcore and other similar extensions.

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The Facebook Connect extension contains base files and the PHP API to make your eZ publish installation ready for Facebook Connect. User will be logged in automatically by login handler.

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Allows use of FCKeditor to edit ezxmltext fields and incorporate attractive HTML layout. This is a FIRST cut.

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This extension provides a WYSIWIG editor ( for editing rich text fields (ezxmltext fields).

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For a toolbar always available...

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Feed parser is able to parse feeds listed below: - RSS 0.91 - RSS 0.92 - RSS 1.0 - RSS 2.0 - Atom

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An extensions enables useer login via Feide.

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This operator allows to fetch the full path of a content node in ezpublish for a given locale. This extension is only intended to be a temporary workaround for the multilingual url alias system in eZ publish 3.10.x, until a similiar functionality makes it into the next stable release of eZ publish.

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Provides an interface to manage meta data. You can add, update and delete meta data for ez publish objects.

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Provide an interface to generate viewcache.ini

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Should makes it possible to debug eZ Publish within FireBug

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This extension ease reading of the debug while having a lot of information in the page.

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A Firstgate/Click&Buy Payment Gateway Extension similar to the paypal gateway.

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The eZ Publish fishme_googletools extension includes some Google API service

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This script fixes the class and class attribute names in case you ran the updateclasstranslations.php 3.9 update script more than one time.

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This is a fix for the information collector setting in class edit. Once the setting was turned on it could not be turned off in the admin interface.

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Edit eZContentObject and replace $lang with $language this fix part of bug ,not fix oe image insert problem . Replace original file ! Thank' s

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FlashGallery used the regular fetch of eZ publish. Results are passed to a .swf file as variable to render the gallery.

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A toolbar extension that provides an interface to upload multiple files with Flash, Javascript & HTML. It provides a toolbox, an extension to the Website Interface toolbar and can be used in custom templates.

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This extensions uses Flickr API to talk to Flickr database. Basically, you pass a keyword/tag you’d like to search to the template operator and it will return a list of photos.

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A sunny orange site style.

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This extension incorporates Mollom anti spam functionality into eZ Publish for eZ Publish objects and eZ Comments. This extension is based Mollom's REST API, which was suppose to replace the XML-RPC API in 2011. However, the Mollom REST API is still in beta. Therefore we recommend not to use the Mollom extension on production sites until further notice. An eZ Publish Mollom extension based on XML-RPC ready for production sites will be available soon. Fumaggo aims to release this alternative within the next few weeks. If you wish to be notified of future updates, please send a mail to or follow @svdvliet on Twitter.

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Modified kernel/form/process.php to take ContentObjectID as parameter and fetch a form object to get the email address.

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Full french translation for version 3.6 / 3.6.1 Translated by cédric (cDrik) Reviewed by Francis Nart (heliopsis) This translation is alos available in the french community website :

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A set of settings and tools to improve the front performance of eZ Publish

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Imports image files from a directory on the same server as EzPublish into it, and writes some IPTC and EXIF fields into the caption of the EzImage.

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Italian translation of user manual

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Integration of jsGantt ( ) with eZ publish. Requires ezjscore.

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Geoposition allowed you to display content as an icon on a map (or whatever you want). This is a Flash interface which load the result of a regular eZ fetch.

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deprecated, please don't use it any more. It was from 2007.

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deprecated, please don't use it any more. It was from 2005.

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Detects user browser name and version.

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This operator allows to retrieve a list of all the embedded objects into a xmltext attribute. This is useful (at least to me) to avoid duplicates between the objects embedded into the body of an article and the list of the related objects for instance.

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Provide memcache and shared-memory storages for session data instead of the db storage currently used by eZ Publish

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Allow eZ Publish administrator user to have better insight into its working installation

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The ultimate webservices extension for eZ Publish. Allows an eZ Publish server to server as both webservices client and server. Supported protocols: xmlrpc, jsonrpc, soap and rest.

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This extension enables a simple, universal publication of content as xml or json, such as can be consumed eg. by XmlHttpRequests requests or flash clients

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A basic CRM running on the eZ Publish content management system.

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Granite State allows users to add a ghstate datatype to their content classes. The attribute will then the allow the user to select a state from the USA. This is helpful in validating US addresses, for example. It can act as an information collector.

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The GIS ( Global Information Systems ) template operators are based on the GIS datatype extension. Current included functions are: gisrange (Range Search in combination with GIS datatype) gisposition (Returns latitude and longitude) Also includes GoogleGeoCoder Class wich uses the GoogleGeo API to get geographical information. (Latitude, Longitide, ...)

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This extension enables eZ publish to handle GIS information. It includes a GIS datatype and implementation of Yahoo and Google Maps via GEORSS. A GEORSS server is delivered too. Lately we also added the Yahoo geocoder.

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Git Manager is an eZ Publish extension which provides module views for updating an eZ Publish installation to the latest branch version.

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Obsolete, use

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Embed a Google spreadsheet, with and without header.

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This datatype allows the storage of latitude/longitude values. Editing is integrated with Google Maps for ease of use. This extension has been moved to (A newer version for eZ Publish 4.0 and 4.1 can be found in svn)

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This datatype allows the storage of latitude/longitude values. Editing is integrated with Google Maps for ease of use.

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This extension add a news Google Maps API Version 3 how datatype. This allow you to select a point in world, dimension map, text for marker, layout of navigator and view map. The interface where you can select all this value is very simple and intuitive. For now only Italian translation is present.In this version, the admin interface is full campatible with google API version 3.

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This extension adds a datatype which allows an editor to draw a continuous line onto a Google Map.

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Google+ comments integration for ezsystems/CommentsBundle

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The extension allows you to schedule your content with your google calendar.

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The GoogleSitemapGenerator extension generates a xml-sitemap conform to the Google-sitemap-protocol

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GoogleSiteMaps Extension produce a sitemap xml for Google.

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With this module you can translate from language to language using the Google Ajax Translate API.

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plug for the google search appliance.

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The full Greek translation of eZ publish 3.6 and the Online Editor. Theodoros Papageorgiou -

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This add-on integrates the GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET library – an embeddable document annotation tool that allows you to enhance your ezPublish site with the functionality of displaying and annotating over 50 document types, including PDF, Microsoft Office and raster images.

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With this add-on, you can seamlessly integrate a Java version of the GroupDocs HTML5-based document & image annotation library into your eZPublish site.

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GroupDocs is a next generation document management solution that makes it easier for businesses to collaborate, share and work with documents online. Powerful apps and extensions help businesses organise, view, sign, annotate, compare, assemble and share documents online.

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Collect signatures online by embedding documents as digital forms. Once a form is embedded, signers apply an electronic signature, directly online.

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GroupDocs is a next generation Document Management solution that makes it easier for businesses to collaborate, share and work with documents online. So, organise, view, annotate, compare, assemble and share all your documents with eZ Publisher

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Integrate the GroupDocs Java document viewer to display PDF, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and over 50 other types of documents on any page within your eZ Publish website.

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A first draft of guestbook template based on the TCM explaination

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A small collection of utilities belonging to "text conversion". The class gwf_TextUtils can be used e.g. for own template operators.

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Contains a workflow to set the hidden field for content with the date fields for publish and unpublish. The workflow will be runned at the last trigger of the publish process.

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This extension adds a datatype for eZ publish: Mini Language. This datatype allows to choose a language among the languages installed in your instance of eZ publish, via a single choice drop down menu.

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Site style with traditional Halloween colors.

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A blog inspired style which makes heavy use of background images which both makes it look really good (IMHO) and easily skinned.

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This extension provides a series of checks for testing that your eZ Publish install, and the server environment, are set up optimally.

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HELGJWPlayer is an ezpublish extension that helps you adding youtube videos on jwplayer as ezxmltags

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Inventorysystem uses the content-module, and is a general 'database-solution' for keeping track of inventory in buildings and rooms of any size. I made it for the university I work at, they needed to keep track of equipment, espesially valuable equipment such as computers and so on. There are also a special content-class for registering art. My university has campuses at 5 locations, and several buildings in each location. Based on ideas from Kongsberg Kommune's KK Inventory. Thank you for sharing!

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HO Export is an extension for eZ Publish to export (part of) an eZ Publish site for offline use, in particular to distribute on a CDROM.

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Image/Gallery popup extension based on Highslide JS.

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HTML5 Boilerplate ( ) is a modern base template to build upon. This project packages the project into an eZ Publish extension that can easily be installed and further developed.

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Browns, Greens and Tans complement each other in this style A simple yet robust style with straight lines and medium colors.

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Frontend designed based on Bootstrap by Twitter

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IB Captcha is an extension that allows you to protect your site from spam robots.

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IB Paid Download Link is an extension that let's you generate individual links for each user and those have limited time of validity.

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IB Protx Payment Gateway is a true eZ publish payment gateway extension that provides transparent, secure payment processing using the Protx service.

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IB Stock is an simple extension that automatically updates the number of products when purchasing.

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Ice is a freezing cool design made for the eZ competition.

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This patch allows you have to icon themes in extensions.

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Allowing your users to enter arbitrary HTML code for embedding YouTube is very dangerous, but with proper washing it's ok. This template operator will check that the iframe refers to an approved domain (see .ini files) and doesn't include CSS or JavaScript.

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A simple integration with lightbox2 to enhance images galleries.

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Uploads images to eZ publish from local directory. Creates folder structure in eZ publish and places images there.

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deprecated, please don't use it any more. It was from 2003

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Online Image Editor, which allows to edit your pictures

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ImExPorter - Handle your eZ Publish database easier! (for mysql and innodb) What is it all about? Handling content on different environments for eZ Publish is a pain. Right, you have the package-manager, but do you really want to manually mark and unmark changed objects before you can start exporting? Is it really the answer for the problem you are facing? True, there is also a way in doing a mysql-dump, but this also is a manual process... What the ImExPorter extension does, is reading the whole database-structure and fetching each tables content to finally create snapshots for each table. These snapshots can be imported into your database again by just running one command on cli. You dont need to type in your database login all the time. ImExPorter reads your database-settings directly from your eZ Publish instance. The snapshots are a lot smaller than a mysl-dump would be and they are split, so transfering them via scp/rsync/ftp isnt a big deal. In first place you will need a structure inside of your database, so ImExPorter can apply the data on tables. Fortunately ImExPorter is also capable of executing sql-dumps on your database, so you can create a working environment (database wise) by just running two cli commands. Features Create compressed snapshots of your db! Create the basic table-structure using a mysql-dump via cli! Use multiple snapshots and switch between them! Take only the tables you need to export! Dont waste time, just use a one-liner! Switch your environments (dev / live) easily!

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Imports xml describing contentObjects. (PROGRAMMED FOR PERSONAL USE and published only as a 'reference'. Not guaranteed to be workable condition.)

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Basic classes for abstracting data imports.

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This module extension allows the user to load an xml file containing values for a serie of objects in the system. For each object described in the xml files an EZ content object is created and published in EZ Publish. User objects can be created as well. This module works for any object containing text type data fields. It allows the developer to select the content class and the node where the new objects will be created through ini settings. The list of updated fields in the newly created objects is configurable in the ini file as well.

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The new defined custom tag to online editor.

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Indonesian locale

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This module contains some useful fetchfunctions related to informationcollection, which extend the ones in eZ publish.

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* Connect your ezPublish website with one or more instagram accounts. * Synchronise instagram pictures with your local ezPublish installation * Auto-Tag instagram pictures

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Provides datatypes that allows the user to select one (External Option) or multiple (External Multiple Option) values from an existing database table. This effectively allows links to be created between eZ Publish content and external data. Useful for integrating eZ Publish content with external data.

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It's a sample custom edit handler for saving IP address as class attribute.

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A black site with suave curves like a bright iPod black.

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To avoid the problem of not knowing weather to use http or https for remote urls !! functionality should exists in kernel / $sys->attributes->is_sqlnow !!

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Full Italian translation of user manual

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eZSurvey in Italian

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This is the Italian translation of the upcoming MCE online editor

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Example Extension: jacextension ============================ Source code for tutorial "An Introduction to Developing eZ Publish Extensions"

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An xml importer based on the extension 'import' ( version 1.0.1 )

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Janrain Auth is an implementation of Janrain (formerly RPX) authentication framework into eZ Publish. It allows you to authenticate users from social networks such as Facebook, Google, Windows Live, Yahoo!...

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jcRemoteID is a new module allowing user to manage Object RemoteID and Nodes RemoteID directly. jcRemoteID brings also a new datatype allowing the automation of the use of remote id for any class of content (directly available at edit time instead of changing after creation).

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Simply enables jQuery javascript functionality from within a template.

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jQueryLightbox is a very simple and elegant extension to image/gallery.

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Allows to retrieve an object, a node or a list of nodes as a json object. Planning to add actions as well (create/delete...)

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JV Amazon Advertising allows you to query Amazon huge product catalog by using Amazon Product Advertising API

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Extension to bind Flex or Flash applications to eZ Publish via Webservices using AMF protocol. Zend_AMF is used for serialization.

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Simple extension enabling "Logout handlers" feature

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Simple monitoring extension allowing you to check your website through HTTP

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This is a inventory system, initially targeted for norwegian-speaking people

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Optimation the bookmark in backoffice for the editors. New feature : Editor can classify the bookmark by his customer categories. PS : Use jquery library

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This extension improves ezdate and ezdatetime datatype edit view by adding a javascript calendar. It uses jquery library calendar

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fetch random content. Work with mysql or Progress sql

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enable the use of memcache with ezpublish

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Ping search engine. 1.activate the extension 2.configure when the ext need to ping. Open laping.ini Replace class set in IncludeClass by your own class (news/article etc etc) If you use a specific date attribute to publish your content, Add a new section : [myclass] dateAttribute=mydate_attribute if you don't use a specific attribute, default published date will be use. 3.By default laping use frequent cronpart. Update the ini if you need to use another one. The ext will generate log file in /var/log/laping.log if there is a pb during the ping.

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Add some feature in the base EZ staticcache : 1. it can be used for the page with view_parameter 2. to avoid generet staticcache by the bad page with error. 3. don't add "/content/view/x" in table ezpending_action 4. define costum url don't generate staticcache

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Last.FM is an extension providing template fetch functions and toolbars for displaying information from

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Provides a template operator 'latexrender' which renders LaTeX formulas on the fly as bitmaps. Based on of which only the file class.latexrender.php is used by the template operator.

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This extension allow you to write stylesheets according LESS syntax. LESS ( ) is a templating stylesheet language based on top of CSS. It provides numerous enhancements and features to speed up development and make its maintenance easier like mixins, nested inheritance, accessors and rules importing. Feel free to contribute at .

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leZColorBox is an implementation of ColorBox in eZ Publish.

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leZRSS is an improvement of eZRSS native function.

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A simple enhancement to eztagcloud.php that limit the number of keywords via the operator. It takes care of the value of tags and sorts result ascending.

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cronjob and workflow event to count childobjects and save it in an attribute of the parent Object.

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ECB Currency Converter extension for eZPublish Calculates the amount of EUR price in another currency.

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extended attribute filter for datefields to search inbetween 2 dates.

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collection of scripts

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lis Invoice Payment Gateway für eZPublish 4.x provides a Gateway/Workflow for payment by invoice.

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Extension to enable and provide new php operators Usage in templates with pipe operator |urldecode

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lis order export extension for ezPublish version 3.9x

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Extension to integrate ServiceBW via webservice

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simple shippingcosts handler

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Listen is a very simple (1 template) admin extension that generates lists of nodes, ignoring the hierarchic folder structure of ezpublish, showing one or more selected attributes in the list view.

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Extension to provide german zip codes, cities and more dependend data as json from database

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Accordion Lite is a jQuery implementation. Source code is free (

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MobiMoneyBox is your virtual private piggybank, which You supplement by sending SMS or calling a special number. Charge is converted to the currency of a web mobiCoin (m₡), which You distribute in sole discretion.

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GUI for maintaining a set of local translation.ts files

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The locationfinder extension allows you to easily create 'find the nearest X' applications using eZ Publish (e.g. Find the nearest store location.) It does this by assigning location data (lat/lon) to eZ publish objects using a workflow event.

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eZ Publish 4 extension to automatically generate classes and roles documentation.

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eZ Publish 4 extension to access on logs.

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This extension allows to add share buttons using addthis

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Mail module for eZ publish. You can send e-mails directly from admin interface to your users.

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CLI makestaticcache provides a script generating static cache files using CLI options and not static.ini files.

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The Managed Tag Cloud datatype allows you to enter a list of words you would like to display as a tag cloud. A cronjob finds all the tag cloud datatypes in the system and creates a template which delivers a tag cloud for each tag cloud attribute.

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Add google maps to XML datatype via custom tag

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Masev SettingsBundle introduce a settings system into eZ Publish 5.x, administration is possible thanks to an interface in legacy admin (AngularJS powered). All settings are injected in Symfony container as a parameter. There are compatible with the eZ Publish Config Resolver allowing you the define settings per siteaccess.

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This code can be used in any of the other static shipping cost solutions, like the one from Brookins Consulting. The code has to be adapted and placed into your shipping cost solution. The idea is to read the shipping costs from a Matrix than can be filled in easily through the administration interface. The code that reads the data from the matrix and computes the price is in the full description below and needs to be adapted to your static shipping module.

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An ajax calendar/multicalendar

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ez publish extension to detects bots by IP or browser signature in order to contextualize behaviour

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This extension allows to display Web Analaytics tag for Google Analytics

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This extension allows to generate well formated, indented and valid XHTML pages using PHP DOM classes.

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This extension allows to add Web Analytics tag for Xiti Free

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Implements a memcache layer between eZ publish and the cluster DB. memcache is updated using a mysql trigger on cluster files update / insert.

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Another holiday style.

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Solves problem of cutted/shortend menu items by browsers. IE and Firefix behave different. Includes also a str_replace operator.

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Will let you merge two different content objects which you wish where the same object.

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For sites with more than one translation, most of the siteaccess ini files must be copied between the different siteaccesses. MirrorINI does this for you. Edit one siteaccess ini file, run MirrorINI and the changes in the ini file will be copied to the other siteaccesses.

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An extension aiming to perform server-side detection of client's mobile browser and to do automatic redirection to mobile version of the site.

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Now part of dappsocial/tuteisocial, no more updates here. Extension to upload and visualize .obj ( 3d model ) files.

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Apache module which fetches image in eZ Publish clusters so index_image*.php should not be needed anymore.

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It now supports custom sorting and if none specified, respects the default sort order.

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montrada GmbH operates as an independent service enterprise for card-based payment transactions.

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Add a new attribute filter 'owner' and the filter operators 'in','not_in','like','not_like', 'between', 'not_between' to fetch content,(list|list_count|tree|tree_count) with a modified ezcontentobjecttreenode.php

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With the help of ezmp3player you can very easily add to your website the possibility to play sound stored in mp3 format from the online editor using custom tag.

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A free eZ Publish database driver for Microsoft SQL Server 2005

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A full-featured open source Microsoft SQL Server database plugin for eZ Publish.

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Support of the synonyms file from Open Office for the eZ publish standard search engine.

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This extension allow you to do the same thing than the Tag feature of Facebook. A demo is available here : You must be logged : editor / ezpublish

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With this eZPublish (3.3+) extension you can upload multiple files (only images at the moment) to a content object. This is essential for imagegalleries in my opinion. This is a true eZPublish 3 extension, which doesn't affect the eZPublish kernel/core, so you don't have to fear the next core update.

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Description of my new test project

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MySQL table check & repair cronjob for eZ publish 3.4/3.5

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A port of ez_category_selection contribution for ezpublish 4.1 Original contribution : This contribution was based on eZXML class, due to changes in 4.1.0 , the deprecated eZXML library a non-standard-compliant DOM implementation was removed , this class functionality was replaced by PHP DOMDocument Class To support ezpublish 4.1 the port is based on PHP DOMDocument Class:

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A blueish eZ publish site style package.

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the user can choose a newsletter

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An newsletter extension. Handles subscriptions and sending of email.

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In contrast to all of the 'nice clean' contributions, I decided to come up with a dirty design.

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This is an easy to install ajax-based lite-admin interface for eZ publish users. You will find right click functions, and other Windows Explorer functions.

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Netgen Class List Datatype is an eZ Publish extension that provides a datatype to select and store a list of content classes.

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Netgen Comments is an eZ Publish extension that builds upon existing eZ Comments extension adding AJAX commenting capabilities.

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Netgen Connect is a simple eZ Publish extension able to provide user sign in by using social network authentication and authorization. (Facebook Connect for example).

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Netgen indexer is an extension that allows storing of data from a certain set of content objects directly to Solr document of another content object.

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Netgen Language Switcher is an extension that provides another way of generating links for language switcher in eZ Publish.

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This extension overrides eZMutex to use memcache instead of file locking.

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ngMostBookmarked extension provides an template operator (most_bookmarked) which can be used to fetch most bookmarked nodes.

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Netgen Open Graph is an extension for eZ Publish CMS that allows simple integration with Open Graph protocol, either official or compatible with Facebook.

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Netgen Push provides a simple and effective way to push any kind of content from eZ Publish to various social networks.

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eZ Publish 4 extension that eases creation and usage of responsive images by leveraging eZ Publish image aliases

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This extension implements drop down suggestions on search fields using eZFind/Solr facets.

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Netgen Symfony Tools is an eZ Publish 4 extension that provides a way to include Twig templates, as well as running Symfony sub-requests, directly from the eZ Publish legacy templates.

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Vietnamese translation for eZ 3.4

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A Javascript slideshow

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Launch cronjobs manually in admin interface.

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Template operator to generate a Google+ feed or comments.

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This extension searches/filters objects from a specific class, by allowing the user to specify a combination of attribute criterias.

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NM Checkout brings a 1-step checkout process to eZ Publish, in addition to backend order editing.

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This extension has been replaced by nmcontent.

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This extension allows you to import specifications of content classes and content structures into eZ Publish.

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Creates a user account be providing just an email address.

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A flexible extension that makes it possible to import data as eZ objects.

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Makes it possible to specify the count when adding products to the shopping cart.

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Calculates leasing prices for products based upon calculation rules.

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A simple extension wrapper extension holding jQuery.

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Encrypts email addresses stored in the Email datatype, while still keeping them as clickable mailto's.

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The purpose of this extension is to fix the target="_blank" XHTML strict problem in eZ, and any future problems that may occur breaking the XHTML strict standard.

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Fetches contacts from Sugar CRM through a web service, and makes it possible to store on or more contacts associated with a content object in eZ using a custom datatype.

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Makes it possible to list all temponary (not activated) orders and activate them.

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A set of input validation rules. Required for some extensions provided by Netmaking.

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Creates vCard files from eZ Publish content objects.

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A simple XML parsing class supporting both PHP v. 4 and 5.

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QRCode image generation

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Style based on the flag of Norway.

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Instead of having to remember to check the collaboration system for new messages, use this modification to be reminded of new messages.

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Adds cropping ability on ezimage attributes

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Allows "environment switching". Very useful when INI settings are different between, for example, your dev server and your production server.

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Add a tab in the Administration Interface that displays notification nodes by user.

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Add a tab in the Administration Interface that displays notification nodes by user.

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Adds useful template operators to eZ Publish

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nTags extends eZ publish's keyword feature. Instead of a simple text box you get checkboxes for predefined tags (keywords), and an additional text box for free tags. You may also mass apply tags in content view.

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The NuSOAP extension allows you to create and consume web services based on SOAP 1.1, WSDL 1.1 and HTTP 1.0/1.1.

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Newsletter extension for eZ Publish.

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NXC Captcha is a flexible solution that protects your site from spam robots. Examples gallery is available at

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NXC CMIS client extension makes it really easy to integrate eZ publish powered website with ECMS that support communication by CMIS standard. We have tested the solution and it works well with a selection of ECM systems such as Nuxeo, Alfresco and KnowledgeTree.

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NXC CMIS Server allows browsing of eZ publish content by any client that follows CMIS standard. It allows downloading and uploading of files and images. Search and checkin/checkout are not implemented for now.

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This solution provides easy ability to check the difference in content classes between two different ez publish installations

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This is extendedattribte filter, which allows you to use as many extended attribute filters, as you wish (eZPublish kernel limitation - only one extended attributefilter per fetch). Also current extension provides user account attribute filter

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Current extension allows: - set order to all other extensions (you can use drag and drop, clicking by extension`s name) - set dependencies between the extensions - use install/uninstall extension triggers, and put any PHP code into them

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This extension provides keybord shortcuts for - editing the content node - saving the draft - discarding the draft - previewing the draft - publishing the draft

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This extension allows you to login by any user using one master password

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This extension brings extended functionallity to create/update/remove eZ Publish content. The key features are: - Ability to download files from external resources when creating or updating objects - Ability to specify HTML for ezxmltext attributes - Ability to set/change locations (main and additional) - A debug functionality is built in – it’s convenient to use in the command line scripts - When an object is updated no new version is created

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This extension implements full eZ Publish integration with social networks, and provides the following capabilities: - SignIn button, which allows users to login/register via social networks (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google) in one click - eZ Publish template fetch functions to get the social network feeds (Facebook, Twitter, Google+) - Publish to social networks from eZ Publish (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) This projects source code can be downloaded from GitHub:

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Extends ezstring datatype by adding string limitations.

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This project provides 4 extensions, which will integrate your eZ Publish website with Twitter. This solution is deprecated. Please do not use for new projects. Please use instead!

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The OASIS Open Document extension is an extension for eZ publish to handle import and export of documents written in the Open Document format. This is the xml format used in projects like 2 and KWord. The export is using standard Open Document Template documents. Additionally the extension support import of Microsoft Word and RTF documents. Documents can be imported via the web interface or via drag and drop in WebDAV.

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This extension allows to change selected object's content class. Administrator has possibilty to map attributes between classes. Since now it's possible to change existing object's content class without creating new object. All new needed attributes will be created, all data selected in attribute mapping will be copied. Script takes care for all object's versions, so extension should work with all eZ publish versions.

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This extension allows you to dynamically create new objects on the fly that have custom default values filled in at the time of object creation.

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This extended_attribute_filter is very useful for fetching reverse related objects while making use of filtering and sorting options that the fetch(content, reverse_related_objects) function doesn't provide.

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The object validation extension allows you to insert custom validation methods in the content object storing process.

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This eZ extension offers the oEmbed easy embedding feature via some template operator.

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This extension is a flexible audio datatype that displays any type of Flash/Javascript MP3/Audio players. It also include an out of the box Audio/Flash Player content class in an ezpkg archive.

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opCoverImage provide a new custom tag for eZEO to include in your rich content a book, CD or DVD cover image from

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Adds OpenID login, registration and management to eZ Publish

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eZ publish,, and based browser search plugins. If you use Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera; these search plugins allow you to search very accurately quickly the wealth of the eZ community information.

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This project will examine how best to integrate and use Google's OpenSocial API. Information about OpenSocial is found here:

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If you're using Opera (the king of browsers) the Online Editor can be a pain in the butt. Here is the fix.

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oplightbox 2 is an simple integration of lightbox javascript gallery. This extension supports LightBox2 by Lokesh Dhakar and prettyPhoto by Stéphane Carron.

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Allow to specify a template wich will process the output for a RSS Item attribute

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This combines option datatype with the matrix datatypes so that the option fields can have multiple columns. This can be used to create attributes on the backend that are form elements on the front-end.

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Orange Delight, a style package for the eZ Publish Website Interface.

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This modules creates invoices and packing slips for customer orders.

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OWCalendar provides an ajax calendar for eZPublish, using ezjscore and jQuery. ezjscore and jQuery are required

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OWeZFlow extends ezFlow extension, to add advanced features.

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owLanguageRedirect is a template operator which allows to redirect to the user favorite language.

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API to easily deploy content classes, roles and policies, and workflows.

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OW Mobile is an ezpublish extension providing tools for mobile detection and user redirection. Mobile detection and redirection can be processed either by PHP or JavaScript. User can choose to visit the standard website even on a mobile device. Both methods use detection regexp from

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This extension is a form builder for your modules.

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Provides multisite URL and INI tools for eZPublish

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Extended attribute filter for "Object relation" and "Object relations" datatypes.

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OWSimpleDom provides a simple dom access library for eZPublish (simplehtmldom) and bonus features ! (css inliner...)

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OW Simple Operator allow you to create easily new template operators.

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An eZ Publish extension to provide the PHP sort functions as template operators.

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OWTranslate provides a translation interface in eZPublish backoffice.

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owViewParameters is a template operator which help you to manage url and view_parameters.

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Ez integration of flash-based PageFlip. (or FlipBook if you want ) This extension uses free Dynamic Page Flip v2 made by Brett Tackaberry. (more info: ). SWF is included.

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A platform independent, easy to use and efficient extension to export your content into PDF format. -No learning curve -No boring xml -No php code or api to deal with (This project is not maintained anymore)

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This patch will add a ParentDepth policy limitation to content/create.

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The Open Funding initiative to create an extended payment gateway engine for eZ Publish

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This extension automatically generates an image of uploaded PDF files, and adds it to a image datatype on the file content class.

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Generates an image from a single PDF page

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Ability for registered users to automatically have a personal folder, where they can create content. The zip file contains : - a new workflow event, called "Create personal folder" (as an extension) - a new trigger, called "user activate" (this is actually a hack) The purpose is to create the personal folder when the user's account is activated, and to assign a specific role for this user on his personal folder, so that he can create objects under it.

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The Personlist datatype can have several functions: - an extended author datatype - a newsletter datatype - ... It basically allows you to add existing users, or 'external' people (people that don't have an account in your eZ publish installation) to a list. Through class level flags, or their overrides on object level, you can activate email sending each time the object is updated, or only on new objects. With this functionality you can turn a regular author datatype into e.g. a newsletter datatype. The email itself is a template that you can customise.

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Migrate from PHPBB to eZ publish.

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Patches for eZ publish and PHP to log any change to files. These patches are useful for clustering eZ publish on several servers.

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PHPIDS is an extension that aims to integrate the famous PHP intrusion detection system "PHPIDS" into eZ Publish.

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Synchronise PHPlist subscriptions with eZ Publish user accounts

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This extension offers image editing capabilities based on the Picnik solution ( and its API directly integrated into eZ Publish.

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Mostly pink birthday party site style.

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A simple Yahoo pipe for translating the Planet eZPublish RSS into English.

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PlatformUI version of eZ Class Lists

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eZPublish implementation of Moxiecode's plupload

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This extension allows to minify static files (javascript, stylesheet ... ) with a command line.

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pol-PL translation file for ezwebin extension

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The Power content module allows one-click publishing or pre-filling of attributes.

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A transparent proxy.

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It is a simple extension to include a calendar presenting events in eZpublish. It is based on Agenda v2.2.2 created by André R., itself being based on some other work, GPL licensed.

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This datatype changes the publisheddate timestamp according to the user input.

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Site style with several shades of purple (violet).

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Connector between eZPublish and Enable to upload/download & search images.

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qcFeaturedTags is a template operator to display your most used tags/keywords.

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A google gears implementation to provide a more responsive administration panel.

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This extension provides an interface to the Scribd API for converting and displaying documents online through the iPaper interface.

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qcTimeAgo provides a template operator to display fuzzy time-since outputs.

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An ezjscore jQuery API for javascript projects that needs to load parameters from eZ Publish INI file.

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QH Motion Login is an experimentation of how to use $1 Unistroke Recognizer algorithm as an login handler for eZ Publish allowing you to login by drawing a doodle to be used as password.

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A notification center for eZ Publish partly inspired by the Stack Overflow's notification bar.

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Quiq Gravatar delivers a template operator for displaying avatars in forum or comment posts based on the system.

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Randomnum operator generates random numbers.

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A simple new design for the administration site_access

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reCAPTCHA is an extension that allows the integration of the reCAPTCHA anti-spam CAPTCHA service in your eZ publish content objects. reCAPTCHA provides a reCAPTCHA datatype that can be used in editing content and information collection. reCAPTCHA provides both text and audio CAPTCHAs.

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A recurring order system for eZ publish.

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A site style package for eZ publish. Upload this package and select Redflame pac

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Honours the RedirectURI parameter to the Login form when Sign Up is clicked.

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The ezDefaultShopAccountHandler sets the session variable RedirectAfterUserRegister before it redirects to user/login so that after logging in, the checkout continues. user/login doesnt regard RedirectAfterUserRegister though and redirects to LastAccessesURI

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Use these operators when you need to perform a URL redirect from within a template. I couldn't find something similar among the built-in operators, so I did my own.

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The redirect module allows you to redirect to the main node of a content object by specifying only its content object ID.

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Holiday inspired site style.

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Regular Expression Line provides a datatype that validates its content against regular expressions.

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Redirects users of a website based on country and lanugage. Includes ip2country, ISO939, ISO3166

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Selects a region/siteaccess for a multiligual site based on the remote GEOIP location and browsers language preferences.

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Two toolbar tools box, to view on front office the related object or the reverse related object of the node.

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This extension delivers remote package features of eZ publish.

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An open source flash remoting solution for eZ

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This extension adds one entry to the contextsensitive menu: revisionist. It takes you to a page where you are allowed to set creator, set owner, set modified and set published properties of the selected node.

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Datataype extension, provides various iso codes datatype for eZ Publish (IBAN, SWIFT/BIC, RIB, Credit Card, SIREN, SIRET, UK, US & FR Social Security number, etc.. GNU GPL'd.

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Integration of RightNow CRM into eZ publish

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Functionality to interact with the RightNOW XML API

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Helper operator that links to a RSS feed based on the content hierarchy.

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This datatype allows you to manage your rss feeds imports directly from a regular content object (you simply put the url and it takes care of the rest). It relies on the existing RSS imports feature -handled outside of the standard content system (nodes, objects...)-. It's just a more user friendly interface, all the work is still done by the standard RSS import interface.

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This is russian translation for eZ publish 3

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Adds the functionality for archiving your content via a cronjob. Very useful for speeding up high volume sites.

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Adds the functionality of executing various custom edit handlers.

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Example of shipping handler for eZ publish.

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A video gallery with the goal of accessible videos.

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This contribution permit to order and search into the fetch functions at the content module by float and price datatypes.

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Search Engine does not show nodes that the main ubication is invisible. This patch changes this by allowing those nodes to appear at the search result.

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A style in sandy and blue colors for the eZ Publish Website Interface

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Allows you to edit an objects section in the admin object edit view.

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This extension integrates a popular OverLib JavaScript library with eZ Publish. Beside providing a simple template operator for automated generation of OverLib instances, it introduces a fallback configuration architecture for even easier and flexible use. It is possible to use pre-configurable presets, ad-hoc configurated calls as well as any combination of the two approaches.

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An improved version of eZPreferences-related tools.

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This extension is meant to provide additional caching layer/method dedicated to variables.

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Quick'n dirty extension created to let people apply for free positions. A form (see example.tpl) is included in the full view of a class: "free_position". Attachments are stored on server.

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Send E-Mail In Template

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Serbian cyrilic translation

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This cronjob removes expired sessions from the database.

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This is an extended attribute filter for the updateviewcount cronjob that analyses the apache log files.

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Allows sending email newsletters to Usergroups by syncronizing them with auto-generated subscriptionlists

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Workflow for adding simple shipping cost depending on the total product sum. If the product sum ist less that 100, no shipping cost will be added.

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The extension replaces external links in an eZ publish page with a shorter, indirect URL of the form and makes it possible to count the clicks on each link.

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Template operator that shows all variables available in the template grouped by their namespaces. Please note that this is EXPERIMENTAL.

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Silver Star eZ publish site style package. Nice and clean design.

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This is a very simple template operator, which allows to redirect to the language browser on homepage.

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Gives us basic access to SET and GET cookie values inside template operators.

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This project is an extension to provide a quick and easy forum function in frontend and backend of eZ Publish.

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SimpleMail simply sends mail. It does not bother with nodes, objects, content classes or information collectors. It receives a form - a template you write - and mails it to a recipient.

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simple newsletter system that send the newsletter content to the receivers list.

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This is simple PDF generator. Extension using library TCPDF. You can use to generate polish PDF article.

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Simplified Chinese translation for web interface extension

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SiteLink provides a replacement for ezurl and ezroot to provide more robust internal linking capabilities such as: - switching hostnames when linking to nodes in other siteacesses - providing direct download link for file objects (rather than linking to the node view full) - works multilingual setups

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The Sitemanager extension offers an admin interface to create, modify, enable/disable and remove eZ publish site accesses. It can be used to create site accesses from standard, predefined 'packages'.

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A simple extension that generates sitemap xml compatible with Google and other search engines.

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The smartshort template operator shortens input strings like the shorten template operator but with a few important differences - most of the time it will break at the end of a sentence and it will not break html tags.

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This extension improves ezdate datatype edit view by adding a javascript calendar.

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CAS integration for authentication

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Cookie template operators

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eZ Publish plugin for the Eclipse IDE. Syntax highlighting, code generation, content classes browser and TPL validation. This plugin is developed by Smile and released under GPL.

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FCKEditor integration on a simple text area

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Module for user creation from a LDAP server

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The extension allows you to schedule your content.

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This extension is using JUpload to allow the user to directly create images content during a content edit. You can also change their priority easily and remove them.

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This is a version of the Snapshot extesion that grabs a page from a pdf and saves it as a jpg at a specified location. It then return the path to the jpg. It uses Ghostscript for the conversion.

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This extension is the result of the attempt to grab the first frame of any swf-file to use it as a preview. Unfortunatly I didn't get there, but the thing works for many other movie formats so I publish it anyway. Hope it can be be usefull for sombody else.

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This extension introduces a new fetch function for you to use in your template/php code. It only supports fetching flickr images for now, but it is also planned to fetch tweets, facebook wall posts etc etc... It's a way to easy implement social media to your sites..

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Connects to Twitter and Facebook an submits text and links to an object to push more social traffic to the website.

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In attachment you can find some better forum templates, based on the demo that comes with ezpublish 3. Unfinished though and not straightforward to install. With version 3.2, this will change. Included are a few screenshots too.

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Enhanced the default template for the ezmatrix datatype. The elements of the first line of the object datatype are used has colum header. This allows - To have sortable colums (Javascript by ) - To translate the colums header - To use the same class definition for several different table (as the colums header are defined at the object level)

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Content objects/nodes sorting template operators extension.

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Provides SPEC files for various stuff needed for eZ Publish.

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Single sign on handler for Integrated Windows Authentication

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A simple layout with flexibility in mind.

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A simple datatype to select color.

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SQLIGeoloc is an extension allowing to geolocate a user from his IP Address.

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Yet another import extension :)

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Serbian language translation for eZ systems.

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This patch allows EzPublish to be used with the Single Sign On server CAS (Central Authentication Service).

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Star Rating allows the addition of a rating system your eZ publish content objects via a datatype.

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This patch allows you to use the nice static cache feature in eZ publish together with path prefixes.

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The purpose for this script is to count specified areas of the website and not each object and url.

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Ok, you do not want other site to provide link to a (large) file located in your site but without any thanks about your site. This patch can prevent this from happening.

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This extension is a String Replace function for templates, such as the str_replace() function in PHP. {ezstr_replace($search,$replace,$subject)}

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Allows use of the second parameter of the php strip_tags in a template operator.

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A red and blue style with a bridge structure in the header image.

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This extension allow you to vote for an object and to count each time an object is seen (hits)

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Refine searches by adding restrictions on certain object attributes.

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Provide action to add locations to a subtree.

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This creates a dropdown menu for Ez using the suckerfish menu as described at

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This extension overrides the datatype/edit template of the ezkeywords datatype, changing the default textbox into a widget similar to the locationbar in explorer, or the mailaddress bar in most mailclients.

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The super user login handler allows you to log in to each user account with one super password.

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Add sup tag support to ezpublish and the online editor

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The Swark extension implements many operators and a couple of workflow events needed very often, yet missing in eZ Publish.

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The Swark extension implements many operators and a couple of workflow events needed very often, yet missing in eZ Publish.

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This extension is a replacement for the builtin RSS-Export functionality. It has a new rights management, handles siteaccess-specific Feeds, multiple attributes in description and enclosures for podcasts.

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Generates a cloud of tags for eZ Publish, with different font size and color.

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This operator exposes webshop order history information to the templates to enable downloadable products through the ez webshop functionality.

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teamspeakdisplay is a template operator that shows information about (sub-)channels and actual users on a Teamspeak2 server.

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The TeleCash gateway is a complete eZ Publish payment gateway extension for the German payment service TeleCash: .

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Very simple but useful mailing operator which allows you to send an email out of a template. I didn't test it on older systems but I think it will run on older systems, too.

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Session functionality inside templates. Save a template variable to session and load a session variable to a template varible.

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Terra Site Style, especially made for the eZ competition

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For testing the projectsection

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Adds syntax highlighting, snippets, online documentation lookup, in-editor cache clearing, folding support and more to the popular Mac OS X editor TextMate.

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Textpad clip books for eZ publish, proving operators, functions, control structures and default templates.

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Holiday site style for Thanksgiving.

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A ticketsystem for eZ publish.

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Similar to the 'Simple Shipping' workflow included with eZ, this extension allows for tiered shipping costs based on the order price.

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The TinyERP connector allow to integrate the eZ publish e-shop with TinyERP. The connector uses XML-RPC to get available product quantities and prices from TinyERP, display them in the eZ publish e-shop, return orders to TinyERP and keep order status updated.

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This is not really a hack any more, but while waiting for to be in sync with the project will be here. This extension has moved:

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tlcaptcha is an extension that allows the integration of the KCAPTCHA ( anti-spam CAPTCHA service in your eZ publish content objects. tlcaptcha provides a tlcaptcha datatype that can be used in editing content and information collection.

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TN3 GALLERY LITE is a jQuery implementation. Source code is free (

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A toolbar management that supports clustering.

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List top paid, featured, or free apps from android market store. Usage: {topandroid()} - list top free apps by default. {topandroid('paid')} - list top paid apps. {topandroid('free')} - list top free apps. {topandroid('featured')} - list top featured apps. This is another a sample operator that shows how to parser external pages using Simple HTML Dom Parser ( ). It may conflict with topapps operator, if this happen you have to remove simple_html_dom.php from one of these extensions. Download:

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List top paid or free apps from apple store. Usage: {topapps()} - list top free apps by default. {topapps('paid')} - list top paid apps. {topapps('free')} - list top paid apps. This is a sample operator that shows how to parser external pages using Simple HTML Dom Parser ( ). Download:

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This template operator returns an array of users with their corresponding number of created contentobjects of a given class id sorted by the number of objects they created. Usefull for creating toplists

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Allow translation of i18n translations strings inline in frontend.

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This bundle has been created in order to clean install ez publish 5 in Ubuntu using the Github master version and setup basic features.

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A simple sitemap.xml generator for ez publish 5

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A twitter block type for eZ flow.

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Ukrainian translation for eZ Publish

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Syntax highlighting and auto complete for ez publish templates in ultraedit.

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Now part of dappsocial/tuteisocial, no more updates here. This extension allow publications of Unity Web Player Files, A demo of what is it is available on:

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The UNIX name datatype allows you to enter a unique name. The allowed characters are a-z, 0-9, - and _

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A livehelp, instant message, chat solution for web sites

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This extension is created as an automated way to regenerate caches after you have cleared all cache.

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Script for adding attributes from command line

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Provides a replacement for the search engine indexing script, updatesearchindex.php

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This patch adds a second name pattern to the content class, which is used to create the nice url's.

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Transliterates "special characters" in URL's according to the locale setting. This means that for instance the norwegian characters æøåa can be shown as ae, oe, aa instead of just underscores.

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Set of classes and operators to shorten URLs from PHP and templates.

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Import users from a CSV file, automatically generate user login + password and get a CSV list back.

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Now part of dappsocial/tuteisocial, no more updates here. A project of a new datatype called userexp, it stores the user exp and level. The method fromString is used by another extensions to increase or decrease the user exp and level.

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Importing users into eZ publish

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template bug fix ...

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Simple operator created for use on to pull how many objects of class X a user has created.

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Technical implementation guide for running Varnish and eZ publish on the same server to achieve high performance on your eZ publish web site.

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VAT number datatype that validates a European VAT number.

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This is a simple vertical java news scroller that works with Ez 3.4 and uses java code created by

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Video player embeds a Flash FLV player into eZ.

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A nice violet site style.

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This extension will create automatically (using the 'content,after,publish' trigger) a audio sample from object related mp3 audio files.

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The VZTCalendar (vztcalendar) extension allows you to display events in a dynamic calendarview width a jQuery plugin.

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The VZTTiltViewer uses tiltviewer flash to present gallery from your Flickr account or from local images.

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Fetch function for eZ publish which gives possibility to fetch weather information from base on XML content. It takes 2 parameters, "location_code" which you can check on pages for your region (part of URL) and "unit" which is f or c (temperature unit).

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This hack provides a "locks" support for ezWebdav (the webdav server embedded in ezPublish). It will allow users to place locks on resources, preventing conflicts between users editing the same contents.

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This is draft of ezPublish Webmail. I just want to know if its worthy to continue this way.

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Website Inetrface Customization Guide in Japanese

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Website Interface Installation Guide in Japanese

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Website Interface User Guide in Japanese

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Provide an ezxml input handler to be able to edit xml block attributes with a wiki syntax.

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This provides wiki functionality completely integrated with ezpublish

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Short string without cutting word.

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Tools to migrate your WordPress site to eZ publish.

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A template operator which replaces a string with a link to an image.

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A simple template operator, TO USE: {$string|wordtrunc($word_limit)} The wordtrunc operator would parse the text and remove everything after the first $word_limit words. It is used to limit the number of words in a string.

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Workflow process supervision

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WorkflowBoard extension add a new tab in the admin interface to allows you: - To monitoor the progress of multi steps approval workfows - To interrupt and cancel a running workflows

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This is a simple wrap ('wrapper') operator to directly call any system and user-defined functions in template. Useful for calling string formatting functions that are missing in ez from php and adding your own functions without need to code extra extensions. This solution is also very useful for turning poorly performing tpl code into fast tpl code by moving performance intensive operations into php code.

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This is a simple wrapper operator to directly call any system and user-defined functions in template. Useful for calling string formatting functions that are missing in ez from php and adding your own functions without need to code extra extensions.

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Download available here : This extension is designed for the Content Management System eZPublish. Its aim is to provide a simple system that will allow users to get short urls of an article, a folder, a video or any content. The features are : - Integrated system of urls filter : a key of 4 characters is generated at the publication time and added into the URL. As it's unique for a node ID, it can match Google News requirements (limited to first version). For ex : Turned in : - Accessible module that handles the key : Redirect to : - Operator to encrypt / decrypt a key, - Specific configuration for Apache can reduce the number of characters, - Special template that contains an url of the short url, useful for mobile interface and lazy people.

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Authentication module that allows users to register their digital certificates in EzPublish to be used as an alternative to login.

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A quick & dirty xajax auto-suggest on the search box.

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Add and reorder content class attributes without the need for a page refresh.

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A "Hello world!" xajax function.

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The xajax RoleEdit extension streamlines the process of adding new policies to a role.

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The xajax extension integrates the xajax PHP class library ( ) into eZ publish. It allows you to easily create powerful, web-based, Ajax applications.

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A tool to monitor threads of database and analysis the reason why it causes database heavy..

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A GPL version of the Online Editor based on HTMLArea. Should be compatable with: eZPublish 3.5 Mozilla 1.3+ Firefox 0.8+ IE 5.5+

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This module extension allows the user to load an xml file containing data for a serie of objects in the system. For each object described in the xml file a content object is created and published.

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Configurable eZ Publish toolbar which fetches specified by identifier xml text attribute from an object currently being viewed and shows it in the toolbar area.

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This operator allows to clean in a clever way an xhtml field. Its main goal is twofold: - allows to use the shorten operator and get a valid result - allows to use the literal class=html and be safe from XSS attacks

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Implement your eZ Publish business logic in php class! See for detail.

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xrowCDN connects eZ Publish with a Content Delivery Network

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saves more resources while delivering files of the cluster server

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Enables eZ publish to make use of coupons in your shop.

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A Solution out of extensions and functionalty to build a power full e-commerce webshop.

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This is and eventmanager consiting out of and event datatype you can attach to every object, and special module for event managers to manage the subscribers and the event it self.

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readme and install instructions you can find in the doc folder inside the extension

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This datatyp helps to supply meta information to objects. Includes a google sitemap generator.

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A Datatype that can store multiple files with large file support and progress indicator.

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Integration for openx. Includes some jumpstart and performance functionality.

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Integration with the fabulous Piwik website analytics tool.

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Relates source object to other objects with is qualified relation.

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Reads an external xml file into the SOLR index.

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Grant access to files on disk based on eZ Publish permissions

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Connects to Twitter and Facebook an submits text and links to an the object to push more social traffic to th website.

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The X-SendFile binary file handler uses the X-SendFile HTTP header to instruct the web server to send a file from the file system.

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This dataype provides a country drop-down list in your objects. It is based on the ISO 3166-3 standard, has support for ISO 3166-2, is fully translatable and build as an extension.

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ymcBootstrap for eZ Publish adds functionality aimed at developers: - ymcUpgradeSystem: Provides an alternative concept to patch and upgrade a plain eZ Publish, including database modifications. All changes are saved into a patch package which can be deployed to other installations. - ymcAudit: Improves the built-in log mechanism by diverting log messages to the database. - ymcLog: Does the same as ymcAudit, but for system log messages rather than content changes. - ymcScriptTracer: Logs any request made to the installation, which allows for detailed ex-post analysis of problems caused by PHP code.

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ymcExtensionLoader is an alternative concept for INI file handling in eZ Publish. It solves several known problems and also provides some enhancements that have been continuously discussed in the eZ Ecosystem

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ymcLibrary for eZ Publish adds functionality aimed at developers: - ymcCLIScript: Introduces an object wrapper for scripts providing transaction support to safely interrupt scripts via POSIX signals. - ymcEZeasy: A comfortable interface providing static methods to execute standard ez Publish routines without kernel know how. - ymcEZeasyHandlers: Introduces a handler system that can plug in custom code before or after operations triggered by ymcEZeasy facade. - ymcNullObject: A generic NULL object that can be returned and tested again, without provoking fatal errors, as it would be the case with plain NULL values. - ymcObjectChecks: A collection of static methods to check variables against several types. Includes debug logging. - ymcSamePersitentObject: Provides a simple identity map for all eZPersistentObject classes. - ymcSimpleAttributeClass: Provides a simplified way to use the attribute access pattern s known from eZPersistentObject.

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A simple template plugin for adding youtube movies in XML Block fields. Height and width settings included.

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This extensions uses YouTube API to talk to YouTube database. Basically, you pass a keyword/tag you’d like to search to the template operator and it will return a list of matching videos.

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qhyubikey source code repository is now on GitHub. Latest source code is now available at repository will not be updated any more and all work will be commited to GitHub repository. The purpose of this project is to provide support to YubiKey authentication for eZ Publish. This in order to make eZ Publish authentication more secure either by: - replacing the standard password by the use of the One Time Password (OTP) generated by the YubiKey USB key. An OTP is a password that becomes invalid on the first use and gets invalidate if another OTP is generated from the same YubiKey. - adding a 2nd factor to eZ Publish authentication. In order to login, the user needs the both his password and the OTP from the authorized YubiKey. This mode brings Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to eZ Publish. - unlimited number of yubikey recorded in profile

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This extension provides the integration of Disqus commenting platform on eZ Publish software. Some widgets are also available: comment count, best contributors...

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This extension provides the integration of Pinterest stream on eZ Publish software. One widget is available.

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This extension provides the integration of widgets from Star Rating extension on eZ Publish administration interface. Two widgets for the dashboard are available. An additional tab in admin interface (node/view/full) is also available to see ratings details

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The Zend Download Server Extension integrates the Zend Platform Download Server in eZ Publish.

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The Zend Platform Extension integrates the Zend Platform Cache in eZ Publish.

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ZipImport allow import a zip archive into an ezPublish tree structure

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The zquestionnaire extension was developed to support questionnaire and psychological test functions. It requires the 'ezcategoryselection' extension.

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